Feb 15
Chapman School students head outside for service learning
Chapman School Charitable Works
The eighth grade class in working on a documentary about the good that the Chapman School students do. The main focus of the documentary is about a field trip in late September. During the field trip, the students erected a new trail. That required clearing out the path, hauling the wood a quarter mile up a hill, then laying out and constructing the boardwalk.
Not only did we build a trail, we built a new outhouse. A lot had to be done to build the outhouse: first, the hole was dug, the wood was gathered and transport-ed, then the wood was measured and cut, a couple nailed the boards to put the walls together, then the ground where the hole was had to be leveled, after that, the walls were put up. We were not able to complete the outhouse, but we helped them a lot. Please stay tuned for the documentary.
Contributed by Garrett Cooper