Apr 15
Panther leadership at Skyview Middle School
Leadership is many things to many people. For this year’s Skyview Middle School Panther Student Council (StuCo), leadership can be summed up in three words: courage, compassion, and commitment.
Each of those words was exemplified in the work Panther StuCo did to raise funds for the KPBSD Students in Transition program earlier this school year. Program liaison, Kelly King, was a guest speaker at a lunch time meeting. The library was packed with seventy plus student council members who hung on her every word as she described the students and families she assists, their situations, and what our council could do to be helpful to the program. StuCo members asked great questions, the compassion for their peers in need evident in every word. And then courage made an unexpected appearance as one of our StuCo members raised his hand and shared how important the SIT program is to people in need. He knows. He was one of them. The commitment of the young people in that room grew ten-fold as they listened to their friend’s words. And that commitment resulted in a Penny War fundraiser that gathered over $700.00 in donations for the SIT program.
The young people who make up our Panther Student Council are not elected. They are not nominated. There are no speeches, campaigns, or popularity contests to win to be in StuCo. Instead, students in good academic and behavior standing sign a Membership Commitment agreeing to the following:
- Work with others to establish a welcoming environment for ALL students at SMS
- Model behavior that demonstrates kindness and helpfulness toward ALL students and staff
- Value and respect the ideas and contributions of ALL members of our school community
- Organize and participate in activities and events that promote a positive culture at SMS
- Identify and organize ways to serve our community: local, national, global
- Actively promote and participate in activities that serve our community
- Demonstrate commitment to community by meeting service requirements each semester
- Maintain academic eligibility in order to participate in Student Council meetings and events
- Meet Attendance criteria in order to participate in Student Council meetings and events
- Meet high behavior expectations required of a leader at Skyview Middle School
- Serve as an ambassador for SMS at events such as conferences, orientations, celebrations
Lunch time meetings held in our school library are packed and table leaders work with advisor, Mrs. Pothast, to ensure agenda items are covered, votes taken, and attendance recorded. Activity Nights, Pep Rallies, and Service Projects are coordinated through committees, e-mails, bulletin board sign up sheets, and the tireless efforts of students working together to get things done.
Given the right opportunity, encouragement, and guidance leadership ability blooms in all of us. Organizers, chairpersons, artists, craft creators, music DJs, set up crews, clean-up crews, photographers, poster makers, food collectors, announcers, mascots, spirit leaders, game supervisors and more have emerged from this group of seventy plus Student Council members as each has found his or her niche, a way to step up, share a talent, and lead.

Cameron Blackwell, Maia Whitney, Whitney Benson, and Danica Schmidt sort coins for the Penny Wars fundraiser to benefit the KPBSD Students in Transition program