Dec 19
December 6, 2019 | Friday night | 6:00 PM
Spaghetti Feed and Silent Auction to benefit KPBSD Students In Transition
Kenai Central High School cafeteria
9583 Kenai Spur Highway, Kenai, AK 99611
$10 for adults
$5 for kids (under 14)
$25 for families (five or more)

Student leaders at Kenai Central High School are working hard to support their peers without permanent housing! Everyone is welcome to come to this student-led and student-organized fundraiser! Friday. 6:00 PM.
“Even if you are not eating you can stop by to take a look at silent auction items provided by our local families and businesses. We hope to see you there and are blown away from our communities support–thank you!”
Hunter Beck and Elizabeth Hanson, Kenai Central High School
For more information on the SIT Program or to see if you qualify, contact your local liaison. Homeless Liaisons can help students and families access supports and services to address these challenges.* (see contacts below)
Who are Homeless Children and Youth?
Eligible children and youth are students who lack a permanent, stable, and adequate place to sleep at night. This can include students who are living in a shelter, hotel, tent, camper or car, students that are “doubled-up” with extended family members of friends because of financial difficulty, or loss of housing, students who are couch-surfing, and those in “substandard” housing. Students may be part of a larger family unit that is homeless, or may be unaccompanied youth (youth living in a previously stated situation with without a parent or legal guardian).
What can the Students in Transition Program provide?
• Immediate School Enrollment
• Free school meal benefits
• Transportation to and from school
• School Supplies
• Assistance in obtaining vital records
• Referrals to local social service agencies and public programs
Students who don’t have stable housing face special challenges when it comes to school success. It is hard to learn if you are worried about your next meal, about staying warm at night, or about where you’ll be sleeping next. Students who frequently change schools or are frequently absent lose out on valuable learning time and often fall behind their peers.
In the 2018-2019 school year, 224 KPBSD students were identified as homeless, using the federally required McKinney-Vento Act definition. These students ranged from Pre-K through the 12th grade, and received support services through our Students in Transition Program and homeless liaison staff.
Kelly King
Homeless Liaison – Serving Central Peninsula, Seward and Tyonek schools e: or call 907-714-8869
Jane Dunn
Homeless Liaison – Serving Southern Peninsula and Ninilchik schools
e: or call 907-235-4664