May 20
Students and Parents: Remote Learning Survey Invitation
Planning for the future: What is the remote learning experience from the KPBSD student, parent, and guardian perspective? #survey
When health mandates closed 42 schools on the Kenai Peninsula to students this spring, KPBSD shifted to remote learning for students. We’ve all learned and experienced a lot, and want to capture the learnings. To both reflect, and help the school district plan for an August smart school start, parents and high school students are asked to complete a brief online survey.
–May 20, 2020 KPBSD News Release
The SURVEY will take approximately five minutes to complete, and is open through June 5, 2020.
- Students in grades 9-12 are encouraged to respond to this survey
- Parents or guardians are asked to reply on behalf of their students in grades K-8
- Families with more than one child are invited to respond once for each child enrolled in KPBSD

“There are many uncertainties about what the start of school will look like in August. To help prepare for those uncertainties, The KPBSD has a working group of 20 members that are planning for the start-up of the next school year, and your responses will assist us.”
–Clayton Holland, Assistant Superintendent of Instruction
A separate survey for KPBSD staff is happening simultaneously to the parent and student survey.