Jun 20

Q: What did you–youth and parents or guardians–experience during remote learning?
A: Tell KPBSD in a simple SURVEY for students, parents & guardians
How did the March to May remote learning work for you and your family? Your response will help KPBSD plan for a Smart Start for school in August. Our 20 person planning team is meeting several times a week, and you’ll hear more about that throughout June and July.
Your thoughts will assist: we’re at 1,400+ responses & the goal is 5,000+ by June 8, 2020. Kindly invest a few minutes to respond: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MXTPHGT
Sources of Strength Family Toolkit
Take a deep breath! We all have strengths, and your social and emotional health is important. Download a wonderful booklet with activities and resources for all ages. #WhatHelpsUs #KPBSDstrong
Safety: Create your COVID-19 Family Plan
Have you made your plan for what will happen if the caregiver or caregivers in the family become ill with COVID-19? Who is in your Circle Of Support? Download a helpful three-page resource to create or refine your plan.
Connect with the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District throughout the summer. Call during office hours 907-714-8888. Visit the www.KPBSD.com website for online registration, and regular updates about COVID-19, and the KPBSD planning and response.