Oct 20
100% Remote Learning extended for schools in Eastern Kenai Peninsula

October 14, 2020
Four schools in the Eastern Kenai Peninsula will continue to operate in 100% Remote Learning, during High COVID-19 Risk (Red) status
Today the school district leadership and KPBSD Medical Advisory Team met to discuss continued high positive COVID-19 case counts, the 7-Day trends, information from public health and DHSS stating Alaska is experiencing accelerated spread today, and determined an extension of 100% Remote Learning is merited.
Moose Pass, Seward Elementary, Middle, and High School will continue with 100% Remote Learning for one more week, through Friday, October 23, 2020. An evaluation of risk status will be made next week, and an announcement about a return to onsite-at-school learning on October 26, 2020, will be made October 22, 2020, to aid in planning purposes for families and staff.
“The decision to continue to operate KPBSD schools in High COVID-19 risk, with 100% Remote Learning, is not only to address concerns for the safety and wellbeing of our staff and students, but as a school district we play an important role to help our communities mitigate positive COVID-19 spread. By shifting to 100% Remote Learning during periods of high community spread, we lessen the number of large groups of people in one location. Even with our mitigation plans, we have seen an exponential growth of positive cases in our schools this past week. My hope is that we can slow the spread, and reopen schools as soon as Monday, October 26, 2020. We will all know more in the next week as the state catches up with a backlog of positive test results. I sincerely apologize for the strain and mental health concerns that this action puts on families, students, staff, and businesses in an already stressful pandemic.”
Superintendent John O’Brien
What to know during 100% Remote Learning in COVID-19 High Risk
- Schools will contact their families to give further instructions, call your school if you have questions about materials, packets, or other issues
- Get-It and Go Meals are free for all students during 100% Remote Learning, and can be picked up daily between 12:00–12:30. Make sure to order by noon on Friday for the following week. Note: No meals are available on Friday, October 16, 2020—it’s an inservice day for staff, no school for students
- Pre-K, Kindergarten, and Special Education Intensive Needs students may still attend school onsite-at-school during 100% Remote Learning, based on the 2020 SmartStart Plan. Schools contacted these families directly
- ASAA Protocols are in effect during High Risk school operations
What you can do
We urge Alaskans to exercise caution and take the following steps to help prevent the spread of COVID-19:
• Do the 3 W’s: Wear a mask, watch your distance and wash your hands
• Avoid the 3 C’s: Crowded places, close contact settings and confined or enclosed spaces. Keep contacts limited and social circles small. Avoid indoor gatherings
• Don’t ride in cars with people who are not in your household bubble
• Limit your errands and outings
• Watch out for COVID-19 symptoms. Get tested even if you have just one symptom or mild symptoms
• Don’t be around others if you are not feeling well. Stay home and isolate immediately
• If you test positive, let close contacts know so they can protect others
• Quarantine quickly if you are exposed to COVID-19, for a full 14 days
*Decision Basis about operations in risk levels
To determine if schools should operate in 100% Remote Learning, or offer options for 100% Remote Learning and onsite at-school learning, district leadership and the KPBSD Medical Advisory Team:
- Analyze the 14-Day positive COVID-19 case counts
- Analyze the 7-Day positivity trend
- Consult with public health contact tracing knowledge, and local medical providers
- Review the KPBSD COVID-19 Positive Case in a School Decision Matrix
Based on this analysis and scientific data, the medical advisory team watches positive cases closely, types of community spread, and offers informed insights about safely operating schools during a pandemic.
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