Jan 21
PreK-12 grades can attend school onsite, every day
News Release
All KPBSD 7-12 grade students can attend school onsite five days a week beginning Monday, February 1, 2021
Soldotna, January 28, 2021—All 42 KPBSD schools will be open every day to the onsite at-school learning option for all grades, including 7-12 grade students, beginning Monday, February 1, 2021. The 100% Remote Learning choice is still available if a family chooses this option.

All PreK-12 grade students who want to attend school onsite every day are now able to do so! Working together, we can keep schools open when operating in Red, or High COVID-19 risk. So far, safety mitigation plans are working, so keep up the good effort during time at school, riding the bus, participating in sports, and with outside activities!
Enhanced Safety plans
- Shift in 2021: Instead of broad regional decisions to extinguish the onsite learning option, the KPBSD district level team will work with individual schools when a positive COVID-19 case occurs in a school requiring student or staff quarantine, or results in staffing shortages. Thus, you may experience only a classroom or specific school shift to the 100% Remote Learning option
- To keep onsite learning happening and schools open, it is key that everyone follow the plans for health and safety. Thank you for sticking to the KPBSD Symptom Free School protocol
- Bus transportation is provided on a normal schedule, everyone must wear a face covering, and seating plans will be put in place
- Staff and all ages of students wear a mask at all times
- Mitigation plans at school sites must be faithfully and fully implemented
- Pods or cohorts will be in consistent groups
- 6’ physical distancing needs to occur whenever possible. Physical distance will keep staff and students healthy in school, minimize in-school exposure or transmission, and reduce the number of people who need to quarantine when a positive COVID-19 case occurs