May 21
Sleeves Up for Age 12+

May 14, 2021
Dear KPBSD parents and students,
KPBSD respects everyone’s personal choice about vaccinations, and wants to remove every barrier for students age 12+ to receive a free vaccine. We are thankful for community partners who are offering vaccine clinics and pop-ups for youth age 12+, their caregivers, and KPBSD staff.
This communication is at the request of Dr. Anne Zink, MD, FACEP, Chief Medical Officer, who wrote a letter to Alaska parents and students. Included in her May 11, 2021, letter school districts were asked to share, she writes:
“As we look forward to summer and a return to an in-person, healthy school year next year, I would like to bring to your attention that on Monday, May 10, 2021, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized the Pfizer vaccine for ages 12+. I encourage you to discuss this with your pediatrician or family doctor.”
Sleeves Up for Summer campaign wants you to know: The Pfizer vaccine is available to those 12 years of age and older. The decision by FDA and CDC to expand and recommend the use of the vaccine among adolescents followed an in-depth review of available safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy data.
KPBSD health services department learned about these vaccine clinics listed below, you can find more opportunities at the state website, or schedule an appointment:
May 11, 2021 Letter to Alaska parents and students, from Anne Zink, MD, FACEP, Chief Medical Officer, Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. Read or download Dr. Zink’s letter:
Find a vaccine clinic or pop-up at the State of Alaska website: or contact your local school nurse, public health nurse, or health care provider



