Aug 21
New! KPBSD 100% Remote Learning Option
News Release
The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District will offer a districtwide 100% Remote Learning option during the 2021-2022 school year. The new learning option will provide remote education to support the learning needs of KPBSD students and their families who have concerns about attending their neighborhood school in person during the pandemic. The districtwide 100% Remote option begins August 17, 2021, and is open to students in grades 1-12.
Districtwide 100% Remote Learning is a teacher facilitated, parent supported program that is a blend of online curriculum and synchronous virtual connection with the learning community.

How-to Enroll
- Students in Grades 1-12 will enroll for school at their neighborhood school, but tell the school secretary that they are selecting the KPBSD 100% Remote Learning option
- Students will have an option to transfer back to their home school during certain dates based on grade level*
- When parents and guardians choose to enroll their children in remote learning, it is 100% remote. There is not an option to join neighborhood school classes simultaneously
- After enrolling, the 100% Remote school will contact families with a greeting and introduction to remote learning that is specific to the grade level enrollment of the student
- On Monday, August 16, 2021, a new 100% Remote Learning website will be live and provide additional information
Districtwide Remote Learning Options
Elementary: Grades 1-6
Elementary 100% Remote Learning is a teacher facilitated and parent supported effort that will utilize the curriculum of Edmentum.
- Edmentum will provide targeted instruction in core subjects
- KPBSD remote instruction teachers will augment the curriculum by monitoring progress and targeting needed student support
- Community building and project based learning from the teacher will support students in their learning journey
Note: this will be different from the way the 100% Remote Learning option was delivered from the neighborhood school during the 2020-2021 school year.
Middle School: Grades 7-8
Skyview Middle School will offer synchronous classes delivered from Skyview Middle School teachers. Students will enroll in their neighborhood school, and select the KPBSD 100% Remote Learning option.
- Educators will teach 100% Remote instruction for both the 7th and 8th grade sections of the core classes: math, science, English Language Arts, and social studies
- 100% Remote middle school students and families will follow the Skyview Middle School bell schedule
*Enrollment transfer dates between 100% Remote and the neighborhood school for elementary and middle school grades 1-6 are: August 10–27, 2021; October 18–22, 2021; January 3-7, 2022; and March 14-18, 2022
High School: Grades 9-12
KPBSD Distance Education and VTC classes will be utilized for 100% Remote learners.
- Students will enroll in their neighborhood school.
- The school will identify the student as remote and enroll the student in the appropriate KPBSD online classes.
*Enrollment transfer dates between 100% Remote and the neighborhood school for high school grades 9-12 are: August 10-27, 2021; and January 3-7, 2022
- Principal Rich Bartolowits will be the 100% Remote Learning administrator. Email
- Website: On Monday, August 16, 2021, a KPBSD 100% Remote Learning website will be live and provide additional information. Go to the homepage for the link