Aug 21
New School Year Welcome!

Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year! Our district is very excited to have all of our students, staff, and parents back in school after a tumultuous few years. Our 42 schools are committed to meet the needs of every student, every day. This includes a safe and supportive learning environment for students and staff. Our overall philosophy is to establish strong, positive relationships with all students to provide a high quality learning experience. We take these responsibilities very seriously and look forward to working with our staff, students, parents and guardians, and diverse communities to fulfill these commitments.
All of us at KPBSD will focus to keep everyone informed with current issues and information. The COVID-19 mitigation plan to ensure safety for everyone, and to keep each school open for onsite learning is updated for this year. We are committed to work closely with state and local leaders to develop a long-term fiscal plan that makes sure our children are the highest priority. The year the KPBSD focus is on literacy; academic achievement; social and emotional learning (SEL); and positive relationships.
At the district office, I am pleased to welcome Ms. Kari Dendurent, the new Assistant Superintendent; Mr. Eric Pederson, Director of Elementary Education; and Mr. Tony Graham, Director of Secondary Education. We welcome back our teachers, instructional aides, nurses, custodians, secretaries, bus drivers, and food service professionals—they are the backbone of our district’s success. Join me with a warm welcome to new school administrators:
Mr. Greg Melvin, (AP), Connections Homeschool
Ms. Meghan Redmond, Homer Middle School
Mr. Dan Beck, Kenai Central High School
Mr. Ken Felchle, (AP), Kenai Middle School
Ms. Hannah Dolphin (AP), Mountain View Elementary
Ms. Penny Bearden, Nanwalek School
Mr. Shane Bostic; Mr. Mike Crain (AP), Nikiski Middle-High School
Mrs. Jenna Fabian, Nikiski North Star Elementary
Mr. Jerry Stapleton, Paul Banks Elementary
Mr. Eric Hart, Port Graham School
Dr. Michael Sturm, Razdolna School
Mr. Henry Burns, Seward High School
Mr. Matt Potter, Seward Middle School
Ms. Jill DuFloth; Ms. Shonia Werner (AP), Skyview Middle School
Mr. Sarge Truesdell, Soldotna High School:
Mr. Scott Jonsson, Susan B. English School, Seldovia
Ms. Christy Gomez, Tebughna School
Parents and community members are invited volunteer in the schools and become involved in partnerships to support students. Schools need the help of parents and community members in order to be successful with every child. It is also critical for young people to know that their parents, guardians, relatives, and friends are supportive of their schooling process. A student without this support may, at times, feel at a loss to find the necessary focus to excel in their learning.
I hope to see you in the coming months and wish you a great start to school. Join me as I travel throughout the district this year to schools and to meet our communities. Connect with the KPBSD through our mobile app, and on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube. We look forward to an outstanding year!
Clayton Holland, Superintendent of Schools