Aug 21
COVID-19 School Health ECHO for KPBSD Parents

COVID-19 School Health ECHO for Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Parents
Date: Thursday evening, August 26, 2021
Time: 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Webinar link:
Facebook event page link:
This special session is designed for parents of students in the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District to address questions that they may have related to the safe return to in-person learning this school year.
Experts from the Division of Public Health will provide information on the status of COVID-19 in the local area, clarify the most up-to-date evidence-based guidance (given the Delta variant) on prevention strategies for schools designed to support keeping students in school, and be there to answer parent questions.
Participants are encouraged to submit questions ahead of time here: Link to jotform for questions:
Panelists (updated 3:30; 8/26/21)
Public Health Team:
- Dr. Anne Zink, Chief Medical Officer, DHSS (unable to attend)
- Anna Frick, MPH CIC, DHSS
- Barbara Pennington, MSN, RN, State School Nurse Consultant, DPH
- Dr. Coleman Cutchins, DPH
- Dr. Joe McLaughlin
- Kami Moore, Department of Education and Early Development
- Dr. Lisa Rabinowitz, DPH
- Patricia Owen, DPH
- Clayton Holland, Superintendent
- Melisa Miller, RN, KPBSD Health Services
The recording and resources from this session will be available (24-48 hrs after the event) via this link:
This session is brought to you by the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, the Department of Education and Early Development, and the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District, in conjunction with the University of Alaska, Center for Human Development ECHO Project.