Dec 21
December 20, 2021 – January 3, 2022*
Staff returns January 3, 2022; students return January 4, 2022

Dear KPBSD Staff and families,
As we head into winter break, I wish you Happy Holidays, and a Happy New Year!
Thank you to all of our staff for what you have done to keep our schools open and our students learning in person. I know that it has been exhausting and everyone has stepped up to fill many roles as we have faced staffing and substitute shortages. You have done so much for our students and communities. Thank you!
Thank you to our parents and guardians for all you have done to support your children and our staff. You are why the Kenai is a special place to live, work, and to educate our children. The lift has been hard for all of us, and you have been there with our staff to make our schools work. You are appreciated!
May your holiday season be filled with warm memories and joy!
Thank you,
Superintendent Clayton Holland