Jan 22
Updates to the KPBSD mitigation plan effective January 18, 2022*
UPDATE to “Positive COVID-19 Monitor, Mask and Return” Protocol
Symptomatic Staff and students who test positive for COVID-19, and whose symptoms are resolved for 24 hours without taking medication may now return to work or school on Day 6, and wear a well-fitted mask through Day 10. (The positive test day or symptom onset is counted as Day 0.)
Contact Tracing
In schools that are operating with universal masking, KPBSD will no longer contact trace. Schools will support staff and students with testing options, and educational materials about what to do if someone is a close contact or tests positive.
KPBSD Health Services will work with schools to support their testing strategies for staff and families. Schools have an ample supply of surgical masks for staff and students who need or want one.
*The online versions of protocols, mitigation plan, and Symptom-Free Schools are in the process of being updated. Updated resources from the State and CDC for COVID-19 positive people and Close Contacts will be added to the website later this week.