May 22
“As graduation ceremonies take place across the school district, I’m reflecting about how a graduation is not just a celebration for students and their families, but also a celebration of the tremendous amount of work that our staff contribute as district employees. Our students first come to us with various life situations and backgrounds, and from there, we strive to bring them forward to graduation.
Our staff model appropriate behavior, kindness, patience, structure, academic rigor, and encourage student reflection and critical thinking. This all leads to a foundation of success for them as they leave our schools. Our students are ready for the challenges of life beyond their K-12 education because of our staff. So I especially thank every KPBSD employee for all they do and have done for our students, their families, and our communities.
For everyone who will retire or resign this year, I wish you all the best and thank you for your years of service to the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District. Our schools, students and communities are better for all that you have contributed to them. Enjoy your new adventures!”
– Superintendent Clayton Holland

The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District appreciates the commitment and service these retiring employees contributed, each with ten or more years in the school district. Each of you has made a difference, THANK YOU!
- Acela Carr, 33 years, Custodian I at Homer Middle School
- Connie Todd, 33 years, Head Custodian II at Redoubt Elementary School
- Connie Best, 30.5 years, Special Education Resource Aide at Soldotna High School
- John Mills, 30 years, Intermediate Grade Teacher at Tustumena Elementary School
- Gretchen Bagley, 29 years, Physical Education Teacher at K-Beach Elementary School
- Sylvia Ingram, 29 years, Pool Manager at Seward High School
- Lisa Atchley, 28 years, Primary Multi-Grade Teacher at Kaleidoscope Charter School
- Lisa Gabriel, 28 years, Administrative Secretary to the Superintendent and Board of Education at District Office
- Diane Buchanan, 27 years, Student Nutrition Services Supervisor at Student Nutrition Services
- Rich Bartolowits, 25.5 years, Principal at Connections Homeschool
- Christopher Perk, 25 years, Health Teacher and Athletic Director at Homer High School
- William Vedders, 25 years, 3rd Grade Teacher at K-Beach Elementary School
- Bob Ermold, 25 years, Student Support Services Coordinator at District Office
- Jackie Kempf, 25 years, Speech Language Pathologist at Soldotna Elementary School & Soldotna Montessori Charter School
- Heidi Vann, 25 years, Special Education Resource Teacher at Kenai Middle School
- Anita LeDoux, 25 years, School Secretary III at Aurora Borealis Charter School
- Elaine Chalup, 24 years, Intermediate Multi-Grade Teacher at Voznesenka School
- James Carlson, 23.5 years, Career Technical Education Teacher at Soldotna High School & Kenai Central High School
- Dawn Edwards-Smith, 23 years, Principal and Teacher at River City Academy
- Thomas DeGray, 23 years, Generalist Teacher at River City Academy
- Katherine Serge-Hoeschen, 22 years, Language Arts Teacher at Voznesenka School
- Sherry Gladden, 21.5 years, Special Education Intensive Needs Aide at Redoubt Elementary School
- Krista Etzwiler, 21 years, 3rd Grade Teacher at West Homer Elementary School
- Saundra Choate-Hudson, 21 years, Health Teacher at Homer High School
- Julie Nichols, 21 years, Administrative Secretary II at Connections Homeschool
- Elizabeth McDermid, 21 years, Special Education Resource Aide at K-Beach Elementary School
- Tracy Foister, 21 years, Special Education Intensive Needs Aide at Soldotna High School
- Cecilia Deatherage, 20 years, Speech Language Pathologist at Seward Elementary School
- Kien Wilkinson, 20 years, Head Custodian II at West Homer Elementary School
- Mira Banic, 20 years, Food Service Manager I-S at Seward Middle School
- Wendi Dutcher, 18 years, Generalist Teacher and Advisor at Connections Homeschool
- Sheryl Oliver, 18 years, Food Service Cashier at Kaleidoscope School
- Nadejda Reutov, 18 years, Custodian I at Voznesenka School
- Michael Sellers, 17 years, Principal and Teacher at Nikolaevsk School
- Loren Reese, 17 years, Principal and Teacher at Kenai Alternative High School
- Lisa McDonal, 17 years, Special Education Resource Teacher at K-Beach Elementary School
- Ricky Bush, 17 years, Head Custodian II at K-Beach Elementary School
- Cheryl Romatz, 16.5 years, 3rd Grade Teacher at K-Beach Elementary School
- Matt Widaman, 16 years, Career Technical Education Teacher at Secondary Education
- David Justice, 16 years, Special Education Resource Teacher at Soldotna High School
- Kimberly Christianson, 16 years, Food Service Manager I-S at Redoubt Elementary School
- Charlotte Jackson, 16 years, Special Education Intensive Needs Aide at K-Beach Elementary School
- Jill DuFloth, 15 years, Interim Principal at Skyview Middle School
- Lisa Fellows, 15 years, School Counselor at Homer Middle School & Homer High School
- Jennifer Waltenbaugh, 15 years, 2nd Grade Teacher at Paul Banks Elementary School
- Adam Anders, 14 years, Physical Education & Health Teacher at Nikiski Middle-High School
- Jan Darch, 14 years, 4th & 5th Grade Teacher at Kaleidoscope Charter School
- Stephanie Jones, 14 years, School Secretary II at Nikolaevsk School
- Anita Hakkinen, 13 years, Title I Interventionist at Redoubt Elementary School
- Mark Wackler, 13 years, Generalist Teacher & Advisor at Connections Homeschool
- Shanna Johnson, 13 years, Read 180 Teacher at Skyview Middle School
- Yolanda Ifflander, 13 years, School Nurse (Itinerant) at Seward Area Schools
- Jane Dunn, 12.5 years, Homeless Liaison at Homer Area Schools
- Stanley Vogel, 12 years, Special Education Resource Aide at Central Peninsula Schools
- Adam Dang, 11.5 years, Head Custodian I at Tustumena Elementary School
- William Turley, 11.5 years, Head Custodian II at Seward High School
- Pegge Erkeneff, 11 years, Director Communications, Community & Governmental Relations at District Office
- Albert Plan, 11 years, Physical Education, Health Teacher and Athletic Director at Seward High School
- Anne McCabe, 11 years, Student Success Liaison at Soldotna High School
- Cristina Kilcher, 10.5 years, School Nurse at Nikolaevsk School
- Nicole Stover, 10 years, Special Education Resource Teacher at Seward High School
- Natali Jones, 10 years, Itinerant School Counselor at Nikolaevsk School