KPBSD Inspiration: Dexter Lowe, Homer High School #ClassOf2019

Homer High School Dexter Lowe Class of 2019
Homer High School

Dexter Lowe, Class of 2019

When you ask any of his teachers at Homer High School (HHS) to describe Dexter Lowe, their first comment is that that he is one of the most internally motivated students they have known. His many successful family members have provided powerful role models but he forged his own path, developing into a focused and driven young man who never gives up or ever settles for his own second best.

Dexter is lucky to have been born in Homer—he thrived in the protected, nurturing environment as a young child, but as kids grow and mature, it can be hard to channel natural competitive energies in such a small town. He was fortunate to discover that sports—particularly soccer and distance running—provided that outlet. He proved to be an excellent athlete and won numerous competitions for HHS. Although he has given up the idea of being a professional soccer player, outdoor sporting activities will always be an important part of his life.

Competition has also been a part of Dexter’s school life. Although it is a small number, his graduating class challenged, pushed and encouraged one another. Academic competition will come as no surprise to him—he will not fold under pressure. He and his peers have continued the HHS tradition of excellence. Another piece of good news is that he will stay in Alaska to attend the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) and his skills and talents will benefit all of us in this great state.

“There is no question that Dexter represents all the finest qualities Homer High hopes its graduates will display: integrity, curiosity and a fine work ethic,” said Principal Waclawski. “We wish him well in all his future endeavors.”


The mission of the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District is to empower all learners to positively shape their futures.

Homer Flex School graduate inspiration: Nicholas Reutov #Classof2019

Homer FLEX Nicholas Reutov Class of 2019 (3)

Homer Flex School
Nicholas Reutov, Class of 2019

Nicholas Reutov is a Russian Old Believer and migrant education student who fishes with his family, spent his four years of high school quietly amassing college credits and creating a formidable academic resume. Nicholas’s love of learning allowed him to qualify for both the Alaska Performance Scholarship as well as the UA Scholar Award, among other scholarships. He hopes to continue his education in Fisheries Management while continuing to reside on the Southern Kenai Peninsula.

The mission of the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District is to empower all learners to positively shape their futures.

Homer FLEX Nicholas Reutov Class of 2019 (1)


The Honorable Mike Chenault awarded Golden Apple

Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
Golden Apple Award | July 1, 2019
The Honorable Mike Chenault, Alaska House of Representatives

2019-07 mike chenault golden apple

Golden Apple nominator Sean Dusek said, “It is with great pleasure that I nominate Mike Chenault for a KPBSD Golden Apple Award for his tireless support of public education in Alaska.” The Honorable Mike Chenault, Alaska House of Representatives, is a graduate of Kenai Central High School in the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District, a successful businessman, and public servant. He served on the KPBSD Board of Education before becoming a State Representative. His time in the State House of Representatives culminated in his election as Speaker of the House where he led Alaska in its strong support of public education.

Speaker Chenault proved his mettle during tough debate on equitable funding for education early in his legislative career. His leadership allowed our district to implement innovative staffing practices that truly meet the needs of every student in the district. He led the legislature to provide forward funding for education, which our district translated into excellent results, particularly in the area of graduation rate. Speaker Chenault also held education accountable by asking the tough questions.

Assistant Superintendent Dave Jones added, “When Mike Chenault was elected to the House of Representatives for the State of Alaska, he took it upon himself to become highly informed and aware of the details involved with funding K-12 schools in Alaska. He learned about the intricacies of SB 36 (K-12 funding formula in place at that time) and the shortcomings and inequities it created.

As co-chair of the House Finance Committee, Mike Chenault was primarily responsible for the establishment of the Joint Legislative Education Funding Task Force (JLEFTF) that met during the months of June, July, and August 2007. The JLEFTF was established for the purpose of examining school district cost differentials and the existing formula for distributing state aid for education. As a result of the JLEFTF’s report to the Governor and Legislature, HB 273 was passed in March of 2008. The bill increased KPBSD’s District Cost Factor from 1.004 to 1.171 to help correct the underfunding inequities that KPBSD had been facing. HB 273 also increased the Intensive Multiplier and Base Student Allocation for much needed additional funding. KPBSD’s consistent growth in graduation rate since the passage of HB 273 can be directly linked to the additional funding made available by Mike Chenault.”

Speaker Chenault has always been a strong partner in building the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District. Superintendent Dusek said, “Through this partnership, he should share in our successes, knowing that he has made a profound difference in thousands of students’ lives. Speaker Chenault helped make the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District a high quality institution that is considered one of the best districts in the State of Alaska. I thank him for all he has done and hope he will continue to be fully engaged with KPBSD in the future.”

The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Board of Education is proud to recognize the Honorable Mike Chenault, Alaska House of Representatives, for his dedication to the students of the school district, past, present, and future.


KPBSD inspiration: Amy McGlothen, Susan B. English #ClassOf2019

Amy McGlothen Susan B. English

Susan B. English School
Amy McGlothen, Class of 2019

In sixth grade, Amanda McGlothen, who we know as Amy, moved to Kenai, Alaska from Clatskanie, Oregon, and began attending Soldotna Elementary. At Skyview Middle School, Amy was known for being a very positive and friendly student and for always high-fiving other students in the halls. Her warm and out-going personality served her well in school and extra-curricular activities at Soldotna High School where she was a member of the Swing Choir for two years and a member of the drama program for three, including starring as Vera Claythorne in the Soldotna High School Theatre production, And Then There Were None.

In her senior year, Amy attended Susan B. English School in Seldovia, Alaska, and contributed to the school in a number of positive ways including serving as a school lifeguard and organizing many senior-led school activities such as prom and graduation. Amy looks forward to pursuing a lifetime goal by attending the University of Alaska Southeast to pursue her chosen major of Marine Biology at the Juneau, Alaska, coastal campus.

The mission of the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District is to empower all learners to positively shape their futures.

KPBSD inspiration: Steven Hunter Smith, River City Academy, #ClassOf2019

Steven Hunter Smith

River City Academy (RCA)
Steven Hunter Smith, Class of 2019

“Don’t underestimate the determination of a quiet man.” This speaks volumes to the character and quiet leadership displayed by River City Academy’s valedictorian, Steven Hunter Smith.

Steven first joined RCA as a middle school student. He worked consistently and diligently throughout the years to reach his goals today. Academically, Steven has an excellent GPA of 3.89, and has worked beyond his high school graduation requirements to lay the foundation for his post high school world. Steven completed multiple courses at Kenai Peninsula College. He recently completed an Alaska Fisheries course through the University of Alaska, Southeast. These courses will be the foundation for his major in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Alaska, Anchorage, where Steven will utilize his University of Alaska Scholars award.

More important than academics, Steven showed his strong–yet quiet–leadership abilities. Throughout the school, he was always willing to help other students. His positive attitude and calm demeanor followed him from class to class. Principal Dawn Edwards-Smith said, “On our annual field trip to Caines Head, Steven showed his leadership capabilities by ensuring that the whole group worked together, without losing his sense of humor.”

When not working on his schoolwork or fishing, Steven works as a deck hand for his family business. He recently completed the coursework for his Captain’s license.

RCA is grateful for Steven’s leadership and looks forward to seeing amazing things as he works to improve our community in the future!


Students earn Microsoft Office certifications #DistanceLearning

Preparing students for college and careers:
MOS certification program positively validates in-demand technology skills

Where do you want your learning to take you and how can KPBSD help you get there?

2019-06-13 MS Office certifications

The KPBSD Distance Learning Program awarded 243 Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certifications—an industry recognized, standards-based credential for validating Microsoft Office skills.

“As we reach this milestone of certifying 243 students and teachers so far in the two years since becoming a Microsoft Certification Testing Center, we have seen the immediate benefits of helping our students earn the Microsoft Office Specialist certification,” said Darren Jones, Distance Learning Technology Teacher for the KPBSD. “Many students and teachers discovered an interest in technology, and took advantage of the opportunity to increase their competence, productivity, and credibility with their expertise in the Microsoft Office products. We look forward to helping many more students and teachers earn this valuable industry credential in the coming years.” Every high school student in the district can enroll and take the necessary trainings to earn the coveted Microsoft Certifications through KPBSD’s Distance Learning Program.

Celebrate elite MOS status

Sarina Wilkinson, a Soldotna Prep ninth grader will attend Soldotna High School in August, and in her ninth grade year earned five of the six certifications offered during her first year of high school! She earned certifications in MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Outlook, and MS Word Expert.

She earned two high school credits in her ninth grade year, and she will earn as many as 12 concurrent college credits from UAA. When she completes her final exam (she said it’s really tough!) she will earn the distinction of being the second and youngest KPBSD student to earn the elite status of Microsoft Office Specialist Master!

Emerald Miller, a Homer Connections Homeschool student graduated with the Class of 2019, and is the first student in the KPBSD to earn the elite status of Microsoft Office Specialist Master! She took Distance Computer Applications 1 and 2 during her junior year and Computer Applications 3 and 4 in her senior year earning her certifications in all six MS Office courses to the highest elite status. She will also have to opportunity to earn as many as 12 college credits from UAA for the successful completion of these KPBSD classes.

“We are pleased KPBSD’s Distance Learning Program has successfully implemented the MOS certification and is awarding these valuable credentials to help so many students prepare for a further education and build their resume,” said Aaron Osmond, General Manager, Certiport. “As more students realize the value of certification, their program will continue to grow and these individuals will begin to proliferate and improve the local workforce.”

The Microsoft Office Specialist certification is delivered by Certiport, a Pearson VUE business, and recognized globally as the premier credential for individuals seeking to validate their knowledge, skills and abilities relating to the Microsoft Office applications. With more than two million exams taken annually in 148 countries, MOS is the leading IT certification in the world.

About Distance Learning

The KPBSD Distance Learning Program offers a wide range of classes through an online format. The Distance Learning Program uses a variety of instructional material including teacher created materials and materials purchased from vendors such as Florida Virtual School and Aventa Learning. Online courses are delivered through the district’s Canvas learning management system (LMS). Canvas is a popular learning management system used by many secondary and post-secondary educational institutions around the world. The Distance Learning Program also utilizes multiple methods of communication including desktop conferencing tools such as Skype for Business, Google Hangouts, and others. The Distance Learning staff is also available via appointment, telephone, and email.

The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District will inspire all learners to pursue their dreams in a rigorous, relevant, and responsive environment.

KPBSD Inspiration: Nikiski Middle High Trio, Class of 2019

Bethany Carstens, Kelsey Clark, and Emma Wik Nikiski Class of 2019

Nikiski Middle-High School

Bethany Carstens, Kelsey Clark, and Emma Wik
Class of 2019

Bethany Carstens, Kelsey Clark, and Emma Wik have been friends for what seems like forever. “They grew up together in our small community of Nikiski and did everything together for the last 14 years,” said Principal Dan Carstens. “Not only are they at or near the top of their class academically, but they all compete at the highest level in volleyball, basketball, and track and soccer, racking up multiple all-conference, all-state and MVP honors during their high school careers while helping their teams raise three state banners during their time at Nikiski. All this while showing kindness and respect to teammates, coaches, and opposing players.”

Nikiski Class of 2019 Carstens-Clark-Wik-2

Now they move on to the next phase of their lives:

Bethany Carstens will attend Chicago State University where she has a full ride scholarship to play Division I basketball and pursue a nursing degree.

Kelsey Clark will attend Wenatchee Valley College to play volleyball and enter the radiological technician program.

Emma Wik is staying close to home where she will attend Kenai Peninsula College and pursue a nursing degree.

These three will continue to carry the torch and blaze new trails for successful Nikiski alumni!

Nikiski Class of 2019 Carstens-Clark-Wik (2)-2-2


KPBSD Inspiration: Caleb Napier Connections Homeschool, Class of 2019

Connections Caleb Napier Class of 2019

Caleb Napier
Connections Homeschool, Class of 2019

Caleb Napier is a goal-oriented young man always on the move. The past four years in the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Connections Homeschool has given him the flexibility to pursue his many personal goals, while following his passions of music, exploring other cultures, aviation and serving others.

Musically, Caleb is an avid violin and mandolin player, serving on his church and youth group music teams. His longing to explore other cultures has taken him to 27 countries, with a few years even living in East Africa. Caleb’s fascination with aviation began as a toddler and continues to this day. He has worked every summer during his high school years at a floatplane charter service in Homer, Alaska.

Serving others has always been a part of his life; he has served in famine zones and refugee camps across the Middle East and Africa, and is constantly engaged in activities at Glacierview Baptist Church in Homer, Alaska.

In May, Caleb graduated from KPBSD Connections Homeschool, and five weeks later he graduates with his Associate Arts Degree from Liberty University, both with a 4.0 GPA! With this phase of education completed, Caleb will continue his service to God, others, and his country through the United States Marine Corps. He is scheduled to leave for boot camp in August, with a 5-year commitment to serve in the field of aviation mechanics.

Connections Homeschool offers flexible, personalized K-12 education options to more than 800 Kenai Peninsula learners.

Retirements: thank you for 15+ years with KPBSD

COVER 2019-06 Retiring Employees Best Wishes

KPBSD appreciates dedicated staff who will depart this year

“I wish everyone who is leaving our district all the best. I am so thankful for their contributions and commitment to KPBSD over the years and they will be missed. Best of luck and enjoy your next adventure!” –Sean Dusek, Superintendent

The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District appreciates the commitment and service these retiring employees contributed, each with fifteen or more years in the school district. Each of you has made a difference, THANK YOU!

2019-05-20-HL KPBSD retirees and reignations 15 plus years

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Posted in KPBSD District Stories by Pegge Erkeneff. No Comments

May 16, 2019: District Proposal to KPEA and KPESA

KPBSD_2017-2022_StrategicPlan_SealKenai Peninsula Borough School District (KPBSD) proposal to Kenai Peninsula Education Support Association (KPESA) for three years: 2018-2019; 2019-2020; 2020-2021

This proposal is based on the Arbitrator’s recommendations, with applicability to everyone who is employed on the date of ratification. The May 16, 2019, proposal includes an additional modification beyond the Arbitrator’s Report recommendations.
Terms and conditions: the current negotiated agreement, items already TA’d in bargaining, and these changes:

What is the length of the contract?
Three years: July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2021


What are the changes to the Health Care plan?
High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) or Traditional Plan (TP)

  • A revised health insurance Article 27 for KPESA that sets forth the 70%/30% split over the cap, as recommended by the Advisory Arbitrator.
    The District portion of the current 50%/50% split above the cap increases by 20% to 70%. The employee 50% portion decreases to 30%, which is a 20% decrease to the employee.
  • 2018-2019 Traditional Plan retroactive overpayment refund of $920:
    For FY19, KPESA employees on the TP as of December 31, 2018, will receive a refund of health care contribution overpayment as a result of the new 70%/30% split in the amount of $920. FY19 retro payment will be made as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, June 28, 2019.
  • 2018-2019 HDHP retroactive overpayment refund of $600:
    For FY19, KPESA employees on the HDHP as of December 31, 2018, will receive a refund of health care contribution overpayment as a result of the new 70%/30% split in the amount of $600. The FY19 retro payment will be made as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, June 28, 2019.
  • District contribution to the healthcare cap increases by $50 per month
    This proposal is more favorable to KPESA employees than the Arbitrator’s Recommendation. Beginning in the 2019-2020 school year, the district will increase its portion of the monthly cap by $50 for each plan. Therefore, the District’s contribution for the TP shall increase to $1781.45/month, and the District’s contribution to the HDHP will increase to $1695.61/month.
  • The Traditional Plan will no longer be an option for employees with an initial date of hire after May 31, 2019.

What are the changes to wages and working conditions?

Retroactive salary payments for 2018-2019 will be made as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, June 28, 2019.

  • Salary schedule increases in the amounts of:
    • .5 % in 2018-2019
    • 1 % in 2019-2020
    • 2 % in 2020-2021
  • If you are a KPESA employee eligible to receive an annual step increase which averages 4.98%, the district’s offer reflects an 18.44% average salary increase over the three-year duration.
  • KPESA employees not receiving a step increase will receive an additional .5 % in 2018-2019; 1 % in 2019-2020; and 2 % in 2020-2021, off the base salary in that year’s Column H.
  • Swing Shift and Graveyard Shift hourly pay increase
    A new shift differential for KPESA, for Article 17, Section A in the amounts of 40 cents per hour for swing shift and 60 cents per hour for graveyard shift.
  • KPESA support employees would now be eligible to receive extra curricular stipends.

KPESA rejected this proposal to settle the contract on May 16, 2019.

This proposal expires May 31, 2019.


KPBSD_2017-2022_StrategicPlan_SealKenai Peninsula Borough School District (KPBSD) proposal to Kenai Peninsula Education Association (KPEA) for three years: 2018-2019; 2019-2020; 2020-2021

This proposal is based on the Arbitrator’s recommendations, with applicability to everyone who is employed on the date of ratification. The May 16, 2019, proposal includes an additional modification beyond the Arbitrator’s Report recommendations. Terms and conditions: the current negotiated agreement, items already TA’d in bargaining, and these changes:

What is the length of the contract?
Three years: July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2021


What are the changes to the Health Care plan?
High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) or Traditional Plan (TP)

  • District contribution to the healthcare cap increases by $50 per month
    This proposal is more favorable to KPEA employees than the Arbitrator’s Recommendation. Beginning in the 2019-2020 school year, the district will increase its portion of the monthly cap by $50 for each plan. Therefore, the District’s contribution for the TP shall increase to $1781.45/month, and the District’s contribution to the HDHP will increase to $1695.61/month.
  • The Traditional Plan will no longer be an option for employees with an initial date of hire after May 31, 2019.

What are the changes to wages and working conditions?
Retroactive salary payments for 2018-2019 will be made as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, June 28, 2019.

  • Salary schedule increases in the amounts of:
    • .5 % in 2018-2019
    • 1 % in 2019-2020
    • 2 % in 2020-2021
  • If you are a KPEA employee eligible to receive an annual step increase which averages 2.67%, the district’s offer reflects an 11.51% average salary increase over the three-year duration.
  • KPEA employees not receiving a step increase at C+90/M-T will receive an additional .5 % in 2018-2019; 1 % in 2019-2020; and 2 % in 2020-2021, off the base salary at C+90/M-T.

KPEA rejected this proposal to settle the contract on May 16, 2019.

This proposal expires May 31, 2019.



Posted in Uncategorized by Pegge Erkeneff. No Comments