News Release: Senate proposes 5% cut to KPBSD

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Alaska Senate proposes 5% cut to education funding

Soldotna, April 4, 2017—The Senate Finance Committee proposed a 5% cut to education funding, creating an additional deficit hit of $5.29 million to the KPBSD. Plus, the 5% links to a second cut of $1.21 million by reducing the maximum allowable contribution the Borough may contribute to KPBSD, thus the cuts could total $6.51 million.

But, you can speak up now to tell our legislators why a cut this large will harm children, and the future of our youth and communities. Cutting education by 5% to solve the state fiscal crisis hurts classroom success and innovation, our youth, and future generations.

Therefore, this week, please call, write, testify, or speak face-to-face to Alaska Senators, and your local legislators.

Tell something true from your own experience. For example:

  • What is one simple way that your KPBSD school has made a difference to you or your family?
  • How are innovations in the classroom preparing children for their future?
  • How did your KPBSD public education prepare you for your current work or career?

Please help propel the quality of education forward through a request for status quo education funding, and a viable solution to the state fiscal crisis.

How to contact your legislator

Senate Finance Committee 5% Base Student Allocation (BSA) cut to education in HB57:

  • State contribution to KPBSD is reduced by $5,293,712
  • Borough maximum allowable contribution to KPBSD is reduced by $1,217,554
  • Additional potential FY18 revenue loss: $6,511,266

On April 3, 3017, KPBSD administration put forth the preliminary FY18 Status Quo funded budget to the Board of Education. (This budget does not include the additional 5% BSA cut.)

  • Already, the FY18 budget includes a deficit of $3.49 million
  • Expenditure reductions of $2,619,308 includes the elimination of 30.5 full time equivalent (FTE) positions, and use of General Fund savings

“I’m very concerned that the legislature is proposing these further reductions to education funding, particularly this late in our process of budgeting and staffing for next year,” said Superintendent Sean Dusek. “KPBSD is committed to deliver a quality education to our students, and provide stability for our staff and communities. These reductions compromise our ability to prepare our students for their future.”

Today, please take two minutes to tell the Alaska Senate why you believe education funding should not be cut so drastically, this late in the session. KPBSD believes every child counts. Give your perspective in person, by telephone, via email. Click to find legislator contacts.


The number one KPBSD Board of Education legislative priority is, “Provide sustained, reliable, and adequate education funding for Alaska’s students.”



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