Jun 20
Volunteer Red Asselin Martin awarded Golden Apple

Ms. Red Asselin Martin, Paul Banks Elementary volunteer
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
Golden Apple Award | June 1, 2020
“As the principal of Paul Banks Elementary in Homer, Alaska, I have witnessed firsthand the incredible resource that “Red” or Ms. Lisa Asselin Martin is for our school,” wrote nominator Eric Pederson. “She is a parent, the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) president, Sprout partner, and community advocate, and emulates all of the qualities the Golden Apple award represents. In the three years I have worked with her, she has gone from active parent to school leader.”
–Nominator Eric Pederson, Paul Banks Elementary principal
Paul Banks Elementary has numerous activities throughout the school year such as fundraisers, movie nights, Bingo for Books, and the Scholastic Book Fair, and it does not take long to notice that Red is behind many of them. As the PTA president, she saw a need for afterschool childcare when we moved to an early start and dismissal—so she created our afterschool program. All kindergarten to second grade students are invited to participate, including our students with special needs. Because of her leadership and skill in recruiting community members to teach, students have been able to choose from a variety of activities, including sign language, Japanese, Legos, Zumba, Outdoor Explorers, and Sports Hour.
During the potential KPBSD staff strike last fall, Red assembled pop-up childcare for working parents, utilizing volunteers and church space, and coordinated with other schools. As a Birth to Three Sprout staff member, she collaborated with Paul Banks Elementary to provide a weekly open gym playgroup for children ages one to four. This has allowed many of our young students to arrive already being familiar with our school. Red teaches parenting classes open to the whole community that benefits our families.
Recently, Red organized and facilitated a State Education Budget 101 for our entire community. The event brought people from opposing fiscal viewpoints together where factual data was shared and everyone had a great discussion.
The Paul Banks Elementary staff shared the following descriptors for Red: “persistent, thoughtful, caring, persistent, compassionate, gracious, persistent, hilarious, approachable, supportive and PERSISTENT.” Principal Eric Pederson wrote, “Red is one of those parents who has made me a better and more thoughtful person and leader. Her support, innovation, and contribution to our school community will be dearly missed at Paul Banks Elementary when her child moves to West Homer Elementary for the August 2020 school year.”
The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Board of Education is proud to recognize Ms. Red Asselin Martin for her dedication to the students of the school district, past, present, and future.
- Paul Banks Elementary School
- Past Golden Apple recipients
- Nominate someone to receive KPBSD Golden Apple Award Recognition