Jun 20
Ms. Margaret Griffin awarded Golden Apple

Ms. Margaret Griffin, Soldotna High School
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
Golden Apple Award | June 1, 2020
Ms. Margaret Griffin has been working in the education field for twenty-four years. She began teaching English, then earned her Master of Arts degree in School Counseling, moved to Soldotna, Alaska, and has been a school counselor for seventeen years, twelve of which were in the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District.
“Margaret is one of the hardest working, most capable people that I have ever met. Her ability to pay attention to details, plan college and career trips, and parent nights is unbelievable. She has worked diligently to utilize different social media and advertising to get the word out about the events the Soldotna High School Counseling Department hosts. She managed to advertise our Postsecondary Planning night so well, that we had over 130 people in attendance. Her work ethic shines through on every task she takes on. She works through schedule changes until 11:00 p.m. at night, ensuring all of her students have schedules that work for them. On weekends, she can be found writing letters of recommendation, and making sure all the tasks are ready for the upcoming week. The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) established RAMP to promote exemplary school counseling programs—and Margaret was instrumental for Soldotna High School to receive the national RAMP award! She put in 80 plus hours outside of data collection at school in order to create the RAMP application, awarded to Soldotna High School in 2018. She planned the schedule to work towards RAMP, and without her hard work and push to make Soldotna High School a nationally Recognized ASCA Model Program, it would not have happened.”
–Megan Murphy, Golden Apple nominator
Besides her incredible work ethic, Margaret is described as an incredible advocate for staff, students and parents. Nominator Megan Murphy writes, “I have witnessed Margaret take at risk students shopping to Fred Meyers to let them get needed items. Her advocacy extends to parents, staff, and students. She is someone the staff feels comfortable coming to with information they are not comfortable handling, or something they want to vent or share with her. Margaret knows how to listen and hear all sides. She is never someone to jump to a conclusion or make a judgement based on what she hears. When we debrief, her continual ability to talk through situations and see the whole picture is amazing. She provides a whole world sense when she talks with students, parents, and staff. She is able to talk to people where they are at in their lives, without making judgement, and provide support. Not every school counselor has this ability, and it is inspiring how much support and advocacy Margaret can provide, in such a well rounded manner.”
The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Board of Education is proud to recognize Ms. Margaret Griffin for her dedication to the students of the school district, past, present, and future.