KPBSD celebrates employee Dan Bohrnsen

Applause!  Dan Bohrnsen is named AACTE Outstanding Career and Technical Education Administrator of the Year!

Congratulations to Dan Bohrnsen, our Career and Technical Education Work Force Development and Coordinator! Honored at a banquet sponsored by the Alaska Association of Career and Technical Education in Anchorage, Alaska, Bohrnsen was selected by his peers throughout the state to receive the honor. The Association was impressed with his ability to leverage his student advocacy with a clear vision for CTE in the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District.

“One of Dan’s accomplishments over the past five years has been a 21% increase in new CTE class offerings (39 additions), and an increase of distance and online CTE class offerings and the utilization of fractional CTE class offerings,” said John O’Brien, director of secondary education. “KPBSD now offers several one period offerings taught by either retired staff or Type M certified industry experts. Some examples include: advanced welding, marine technology, auto mechanics, criminal justice, dental assistant, and so forth. Another very creative and unique idea that Dan supported was to offer an all-girls construction academy in the Homer area for one of our Russian Village schools.”

“It was great to be recognized for this award,” said Dan Bohrnsen. “Over the past four years the increase in KPBSD Dan Bohrnsen CTE award December 2013 with Patty Woody AACTE SecretaryCTE state and federal funding has enabled our district to expand our curriculum, improve our classrooms and shops and provide needed equipment and supplies to most of our CTE programs, which in turn has enabled our teachers to expose students to twenty-first century skills needed in the work force. We have some outstanding CTE teachers, and these improvements have given them the tools to offer more opportunities to our students. To me this award is verification that the KPBSD is heading in the right direction.”

“The funds from Senate Bill 84 allow us to offer more CTE opportunities for our secondary students. I am impressed by the district’s successful use of this new money and mostly attribute this success to Dan Bohrnsen,” said Steve Atwater, superintendent. “Dan is to be commended for his ownership of our CTE program as well as his leadership and vision for how best to prepare students for life after high school.”

Dan demonstrates tireless efforts to align curriculum to national standards, build industry partnerships, further awareness of CTE programs for all stakeholders, and increase offerings and enrollments in CTE courses across our vast and diverse district. Yet even with these director-level activities, you may still find Dan sitting down to discuss pathways and offerings of interest with an individual student.

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