Alexandrea Moseley, Homer High School #ClassOf2018

Homer High Alexandrea Moseley Class of 2018 wrestling

Alex wrestles and wins during the Round Robin Rumble in Homer, Alaska, on October 21, 2017

Alexandrea “Alex” Moseley
Homer High School, Class of 2018

Alexandrea Moseley, or Alex to her teammates, is continuing the Homer High School legacy of female wrestling. She started wrestling on a whim her sophomore year and liked it so much she stuck with it through adversity. Although she did not win many matches the first few years, her persistence and hard work gained traction. She became a student of the sport, went to summer camps and participated in large out-of-state tournaments. The result is a winning record against the boys and a 2017 Alaska State Championship at 126, and a wrestling scholarship to Adrian University in Michigan!

Homer High Alexandrea Moseley Class of 2018 XC

Photo: Alex paints her freshmen teammate, Brook Miller, at the 2017 Cross Country State Championships where they were State Runner-ups. Alex was also a member of three state championship running teams, and one wrestling championship team throughout her career at HHS.

Facebook Homer High School

Kenai Peninsula Borough School District

Isaiah Trevino, Kenai Alternative School #ClassOf2018

Kenai Alt School Isaiah Trevino

Isaiah Trevino
Kenai Alternative School, Class of 2018

Isaiah Trevino is one of the twenty-five graduates to walk the handshaking, hugs, and celebration line at Kenai Alternative’s graduation ceremony in 2018. Two years ago, Isaiah came to Kenai Alternative looking for a different school environment. The shorter rotation schedule offered him the opportunity to grow and achieve in his classes, and it was not long before he started taking leadership roles within the school community. Isaiah would often speak up at the daily morning meetings to encourage other students to arrive to school on time, and get their grades up. As time grew closer towards graduation, Isaiah began developing his post-secondary plans. In the fall, he plans to move to New Mexico where he will start working and attending school. Principal Loren Reese said, “We look forward to hearing great things about his future successes!”

Kenai Alt Class of 2018

Kenai Alternative School

Borough Mayor vetoes 652k in school funding

Kenai Peninsula Borough Mayor vetoes $652k of school funding

June 19, 2018, Soldotna, Alaska—Today, Borough Mayor Pierce introduced two funding vetoes for the Borough budget beginning in less than a month. The Borough Assembly meets tonight, and one veto directly affects school district funding.

Mayor Charlie Pierce said this in the memorandum to decrease funding to Kenai Peninsula Borough schools by $652,609: 

“Including this amount in the budget for school district operations would reduce the general fund, fund balance to an amount that is, in my view, too close to the recommended minimum fund balance to be financially prudent. Had the funds been appropriated from the Land Trust Fund I would not have taken this action.”

  • The school district hoped to add mental health counselors and school security measures with the $652k funding appropriation from the Borough. Plans were already in motion, and these important measures would have taken effect beginning July 1, 2018.
  • The veto announced today would increase the FY19 school district overall deficit to more than two million dollars.
  • Tonight is an opportunity to provide your thoughts during public testimony. The Tuesday, June 19, 2018, Assembly Meeting begins at 6:00 PM in the Borough Assembly Chambers, 144 N. Binkley Street, Soldotna, Alaska 99669.

The school district is hopeful Borough Assembly members and Borough administration will resolve their budget prior to the start of the KPBSD fiscal year in 12 days.


Budget cuts

Jode Sparks, Soldotna High School, #Classof2018

Jode Sparks
Soldotna High School, Class of 2018

Soldotna High Jode Sparks Class of 2018
“Jode Sparks is a remarkable leader who genuinely cares for the needs of others,” said Principal Tony Graham. In Jode’s words,

“Community is not a location—rather, it is the result of a group of people caring about the same thing and caring about each other.”

A former United States Senate Page, and Soldotna Chamber of Commerce Student Ambassador, Jode is involved in many activities promoting good things for our community and good things for our state. In the Soldotna Unified Track team, he participates alongside special education students in track and field events. In the Alaska Youth for Environmental Action—a diverse group of high school students from across the state—Jode works with young people to advocate, and speak up in the political system. This led him to his future studies.

In the fall, Jode will attend the University of Chicago, pursuing degrees in Public Policy and Environmental Studies. Everyone at Soldotna High School is excited to see him begin the next phase of his life, and we wish him the best!


Preventing Summer Slide #read

Summer 2018 Reading

Preventing Summer Slide

Summer Slide? No, not the slide at the playground or the water park. Not the Slip ‘N Slide from days gone by either. Summer Slide refers to the time period when kids are not in school and things they have learned slip from their minds. One area commonly affected is reading.

Scholastic suggests the following in the article Three Ways to Prevent Summer Slide.

  1. Six books to summer success. – Research shows that reading as few as six books can help prevent loss of reading skills.
  2. Read something every day.
  3. Keep reading aloud. – Yes, even to teens!

Since our school libraries are not open during the summer, students will need other options when looking for books to read. Many of our communities have awesome public libraries with summer reading programs. If you live in an area with a public library, please visit often during the summer break.

If you do not have access to a public library, several digital options are available for readers:


All KPBSD staff and students (Gr. 6-12) have access to our shared Overdrive collection. This collection includes over 2,000 titles in ebook or audiobook format. Titles can be accessed through a browser on a computer at this website: KPBSD Overdrive Collection.

How to use Overdrive video.

There is also a free Overdrive App available for iOS and Android devices. Make sure to choose the KPBSD Schools (Main Collection) when searching for our Overdrive Library.

KPBSD students login with ID number and regular password. KPBSD staff members login using eNumber (change the E to a 9) and regular password.


This is a free summer audiobook program for teens 13+. Beginning April 26, 2018, SYNC will give away two complete audiobook downloads a week through July 25. That amounts to 26 FREE audiobook downloads! Visit the SYNC website for more information. Anyone interested can sign up through email or text. This is an amazing deal!


PG is an award-winning database for reading and research written especially for elementary students. Information can be found related to animals, science, biographies, and social studies. Images, video, maps, activities, and games are also included. Pebble Go also has a read-aloud feature and a built in glossary. This great resource can be found here:

KPBSD student login for summer is as follows: Username: 9999 / Password: jkl

No matter where you go to find books, the most important part is to keep reading!
Thank you to Karla Barkman, KPBSD Librarian and Technology Coach, for contributing this story. Do you have a story tip or idea?


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Posted in KPBSD District Stories by Pegge Erkeneff. No Comments

Josh Shuler, River City Academy, #ClassOf2018

Josh Shuler
River City Academy, Class of 2018

Joshua Cole Shuler River City Academy Class of 2018

Josh Shuler is an exemplar of personalized learning in KPBSD. He’s been a student at RCA since 7th grade, when he tested into high school level English, and has continued working above grade level ever since. He earned high school credit as a middle schooler, and as a high school student continued this trend in earning college credits through JumpStart at Kenai Peninsula College (KPC). He will graduate with 16 college credits through KPC and boasts a perfect 4.0 GPA (without the benefit of any AP bumps). Josh tailored his graduation plan to meet his own interests including completing Principles of Engineering and Construction at Soldotna High School. A committed athlete, Josh competed for Soldotna High School in Cross Country Running, Nordic Skiing, and Track and Field. Josh qualified for State competitions multiple times over his career and has the potential to compete at the college level.

Josh is more than excellent academics. He possesses a heart and mind for service to others, and the community benefited from his thousands of hours of volunteer work at Solid Rock Bible Camp. You can also find him volunteering through many projects at RCA, including math tutoring, local school carnivals, fund-raisers and dinner theaters.

Josh is RCA’s Masonic Outstanding Student of the Year, UA Scholar, and qualified for Level 1 of the Alaska Performance Scholarship. He received the BP Principal’s Scholarship. Additionally, he received a scholarship to attend California Baptist University next year to major in Civil Engineering.

Connect with River City Academy on Facebook

Kenai Peninsula Borough School District

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Posted in Education by Pegge Erkeneff. No Comments

Kristin Klaich, Nikolaevsk School, #ClassOf2018

Kristin Elisabeth Klaich, Class of 2018
Nikolaevsk School

Nikolaevsk School_KKlaich Class of 2018

I plan to spend a semester at home and take a full load of online college classes through the University of Alaska, Anchorage (UAA). Then, I will travel to Peru for six months to live with a missionary family and help with their three children. In the fall of 2019, I will attend a college full time and graduate in Spring of 2022 with my degree in Early Childhood Education. Recent scholarship awards include: University of Alaska (UA) Scholar $12,000; Alaska Performance Scholarship (APS)—up to $3,566 per year; Safari Club International (SCI) $4,000; Austin E. Lathrop $1,000; Benjamin B. and Virginia M. Talley $1,500.

My best memory of learning at Nikolaevsk isn’t one specific thing, it’s just how everyone is one big family and how we have and had amazing teachers that really care about us students on an academic and personal level. Also, the opportunity I had to aid for Mrs. Parrett, our elementary teacher, both helping and even teaching a little bit of all the elementary grades. This really changed my prospective on teaching and now I actually want to go into this field!

Facebook: Nikolaevsk School

Kenai Peninsula Borough School District


Rachel Davidson, Connections Homeschool #ClassOf2018

Class of 2018
Rachel Davidson
Connections Homeschool

Connections_Rachel_Davidson Graduation Photo

How many students graduate twice in three weeks? Rachel Davidson walked across the stage at Connections Homeschool graduation and received her high school diploma on May 24, 2018.  Fifteen days earlier, Rachel walked across the stage at Kenai Peninsula College’s graduation and received her Associate of Arts degree. Rachel started homeschooling during her freshman year and used a very focused, highly personalized approach to achieve this feat. Using Jumpstart, and her educational allotment, Rachel was able to get a head start on her goal of an associate and bachelor degrees in nursing with a specialty in obstetrics. Earlier in the year, Rachel became a certified nursing assistant (CNA) and is currently working in the health care industry.

Ms. Davidson is an active member of the community, and volunteers with the Safe Kids Kenai Peninsula Coalition, the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) program, and the Kenai Watershed Forum. Additionally, Rachel volunteered at the Central Peninsula General Hospital at least once per week. Her three varsity letters for swimming at Soldotna High school demonstrate an accomplished young woman who contributes to her community, and the lives of others—family, friends, and strangers.

Rachel’s academic success coupled with her community focus point to a promising future. Congratulations Rachel Davidson!

Connections Homeschool

Kenai Peninsula Borough School District

2018 Kenai BP Teachers of Excellence

Kodiak, Alaska

KPBSD celebrates Robanne Stading, 2018 Kenai BP Teacher of the Year, five BP Teachers of Excellence, and the 2018 Kenai Education Ally.

I am very proud of all our finalist for this prestigious award,” said Sean Dusek, superintendent. “They all embody the qualities we want all of our teachers to exhibit, especially in how they ensure a strong, positive relationship with each and every student. Each finalist is very deserving of this recognition and I look forward to their continued excellence and leadership in our district.”

2018 Kenai BP Teacher of the Year

Kodiak, Alaska

Mrs. Robanne Stading teaches special education in kindergarten through grade twelve at Nikolaevsk School. She believes her school is a community, and she works to instill that sense of belonging, compassion and responsibility in her students through every lesson she teaches. But far more important, she shows them what a good member of the community by example. And every day, she shows them what a great teacher is.

2018 Kenai BP Teachers of Excellence






BP Educational Ally Award, 2018 Kenai Peninsula

The award recognizes the additional unsung heroes in our schools—support staff, administration or volunteers—who are working alongside teachers to inspire students and are making a difference in our schools and community.


“BP is honored to continue supporting this great program and celebrating teachers who represent the best of our state,” said BP Alaska Regional President Janet Weiss. “It’s part of BP’s ongoing commitment to the communities where we live and work and to the future of Alaska.”

Since the program’s inception in 1995, BP has recognized 750 teachers. Winning teachers receive a $500 gift card and a $500 matching grant to their school. Now in its 23rd year, the BP Teachers of Excellence program honors K-12 teachers from all school districts statewide, including public and private schools. In 2018, the program attracted more than 1,000 nominations for both teachers and the newly added BP Educational Allies award, recognizing additional unsung heroes in Alaska’s schools.

 Learn more
Click the individual awardee name to read a specific story:

BP Teachers of Excellence website


Posted in Awards by Pegge Erkeneff. No Comments

Celebrate Jen Booz, 2018 Kenai BP Teacher of Excellence

Jen Booz

“There are so many amazing teachers out there doing incredible things every day that to be singled out for recognition feels unbelievable. I love being a teacher. Teaching science to middle school students is the best job I can imagine but I could not do it alone. Kari Dendurent, my principal, is always willing to support whichever crazy idea I have. My co-teachers inspire me every day and the kids keep showing up excited to learn science. I hope to continue to grow my craft and never stop learning.” – Jen Booz

 Ms. Jen Booz teaches science and robotics to eighth graders at Homer Middle School. She has been a teacher for 11 years, all in Alaska.

Principal Kari Dendurant says that that Ms. Booz is known for her positive rapport with students, and all the students at Homer Middle School. But it’s not just her principal who believes this. A student writes, “She is helpful and the best science teacher. Ms. Booz makes everyone happy. She’s a really awesome, cool and healthy person to be around.”

Ms. Booz coaches cross-country running and works with all types of athletes to encourage a healthy lifestyle. She knows that being a member of a team helps her student-athletes integrate well into the other areas of their schooling. So she brings this sense of team into her classroom.

“I consciously create an environment of blended and project-based learning in my class,” she tells us, “to allow students the freedom to make choices in their learning.”

Ms. Booz creates a module-style structure, in which students are provided with content through a variety of sources, then progress at their own pace, moving ahead as they complete each component. So each student is responsible for his or her own learning, but also works with peers in small groups.

Their teacher monitors progress through CANVAS, the District Learning Management System. By blending the learning process, Ms. Booz is freed up to work one-on-one with these small groups or individuals. She says, “As a science teacher, I want students to experience ‘real science’ whenever possible. The project-based learning model I have adopted utilize community interaction, relevant topics and authentic products.”

One example of her approach was a project in which students made a presentation to a professional in the community over Skype. They received feedback directly from the professional, which was a very powerful moment for both them and their teacher.

Another example had meaning closer to home. Ms. Booz says, “In Homer, many of our families fish commercially, so when we coupled science skills and chemistry, we investigated the best methods to clean oil spills. Many of our students’ parents have been trained in oil-spill clean-up, so this project had real-life application.”

“I believe Jen Booz makes a difference in public education because she brings the love of learning and science to every 8th grade student at Homer Middle School,” said Kari Dendurant, principal. “As a result of students having Ms. Booz as their teacher they are encouraged and inspired to be innovative to make our world a better place. Students do not ever hear no from Ms. Booz, rather they hear why?, how? and what do you think? And most importantly, I believe in you. She is a true inspiration!”

Ms. Booz earned her bachelor’s degree from the University of Delaware, and a master’s degree in education from Eastern Oregon University. She began her work in science during college when she was awarded a field internship. After leaving Delaware, she traveled around the country doing field research in ornithology, and also worked as a field biologist for state, federal and academic institutions.

These positions gave her real-life experience as a scientist, lessons she tries to give her students through the blended learning she implements in class.

Ms. Booz also devotes herself to Homer’s students outside of class, serving on several school and district committees and the Innovation Committee, Personalized Learning Council and National Junior Honor Society.

“I am very proud of all our finalists for this prestigious award,” said Sean Dusek, superintendent. “They all embody the qualities we want all of our teachers to exhibit, especially in how they ensure a strong, positive relationship with each and every student. Each finalist is very deserving of this recognition and I look forward to their continued excellence and leadership in our district.”

Congratulations, Jen Booz, 2018 BP Teacher of Excellence.

Kenai 2018 BP Teachers of Excellence