KPBSD Inspiration, Homer High School Salmon Sisters

KPBSD Graduate Inspiration
Homer High School | Claire (Laukitis) Neaton (2008) and Emma Teal Laukitis (2009)

 Claire and Emma Teal Laukitis HHS

“Growing up in a small town in Alaska, it is sometimes difficult to know how different life can be outside the state. We both ended up going to college on the East Coast because people in our high school years encouraged us to try something different and helped us imagine what our lives could be like. We came back to Alaska because our time away helped us realize what a special, wild place it is and how lucky we were to grow up in a supportive community like Homer. We had amazing role models growing up here, and will always be grateful for the people who taught and inspired us.” –Claire and Emma Teal, aka the Salmon Sisters


Struggling to find jobs that could accommodate the lifestyle of commercial fishermen, after college Claire and Emma Teal knew they wanted to continue spending the summers on the water with family to harvest wild Alaska seafood. Emma Teal explains,

“There were not many people who wanted to hire someone who disappeared at sea for many months at a time. We had to decide if we were going to stop fishing, or commit to the lifestyle we knew and loved and find odd jobs in the off-season. Around this time we had also started making our first Salmon Sisters designs–and though we were making t-shirts and hoodies mostly for our family and friends–we decided to start taking our work seriously.”

At the University of Vermont Claire studied business, and Emma Teal studied art and design at Williams College and the University of Washington. Emma says, “We combined skills to start the Salmon Sisters business to complement our fishing schedule and be inspired by our work as fishermen. Years later, we are grateful that we made the choice to commit to the community that has always been inspiring to us, to invest in ourselves, and to use the ambiguity of our schedules to do something new and interesting.” Now, Salmon Sisters home base is in Homer, Alaska, Claire and Emma Teal fish for salmon in Prince William Sound, halibut in the Aleutians, and in the winter run Salmon Sisters.

KPBSD teacher and coach stories spawn vision

“We were both really inspired by many of our coaches and teachers in high school who shared their personal experiences as young adults with us,” said Emma Teal. “Whether they ski raced or studied or traveled after high school, their stories helped us form a vision for what kind of work we wanted to do, where we wanted to go to college, and to know what was possible for our future.”

The possibilities continue to expand: in December 2019, Forbes named Emma and Claire in their 30 Under 30 annual list chronicling the brashest entrepreneurs across the United States and Canada.

Salmon Sisters is our way of protecting our community’s way of life and the wild places we love by creating more awareness for it. People outside Alaska are interested in the story of our industry, and we see this as an opportunity to engage and inform them.” –Emma Teal Laukitis

SS 2

“Every day with our business, we celebrate Alaska’s responsibly managed fisheries and the hard work fishermen in our state do to put wild, nutrient-rich seafood on plates around the world,” explains Emma Teal. “Because we grew up with Alaska’s natural abundance, it is easy to take our thriving marine ecosystems for granted–but in truth, Alaska is the last of its kind as fish stocks have declined due to poor management and development. As fishermen, we know that if we want to continue fishing for many generations, we must also be stewards of the resources we depend on.”

Cans of salmon for Alaskans

Growing up, “salmon helped power our bodies as athletes and brains as students,” so to share these benefits with as many young people as possible, Emma Teal and Claire created a program through Salmon Sisters to donate a can of wild salmon caught by Alaskan fishermen to the Food Bank of Alaska with every item the business sells. The donated salmon is distributed across the state and helps support the communities that have supported the business for many years.

Claire and Emma Teal attended Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Homer Middle School, and graduated from Homer High School. Claire attended the University of Vermont, and Emma went to Williams College, and the University of Washington for graduate school.

KPBSD celebrates 2019 Forbes 30 Under 30 Social Entrepreneurs Emma Teal Laukitis (Class of 2009) and Claire (Laukitis) Neaton (Class of 2008) who are proof positive of the KPBSD mission to empower all learners to positively shape their futures.


“Salmon Sisters strives to make their garments the ones you dress up and dress down, get dirty and wear holes through, because they’re just too cool and comfy to take off. For every product sold, we donate one can of wild salmon to the Food Bank of Alaska.”

Do you have a story tip about a KPBSD graduate to profile in our Wednesday Inspiration? Kindly email Pegge Erkeneff, KPBSD communications liaison,

KPBSD logo 4c today


Flex day: 215 Hours of Community Service Learning


215 Hours of Community Service Learning in Skyview Middle School Flex Day

I.N.S.P.I.R.I.N.G. rippled throughout Kasilof, Soldotna, and Sterling on Thursday, December 14, 2018, when Skyview Middle School students assisted in elementary schools, at the Food Bank, visited Kenai Peninsula College, and visited local Soldotna businesses.

Principal Sarge Truesdell explained,

“The Skyview Middle school staff worked with our students to create a “flex day” for students to experience voice and choice in their 6.5 hour school day. Students provided teachers with feedback about activities they wanted to see offered in the flex day schedule. Administration created a master schedule that included enough academic offerings for students who needed and or wanted extra time to work with their teacher in core academic areas, and provided several enrichment and fun activates in each of the 90-minute blocks. Through an online program created by the KPBSD internet technology department, students selected their academic and enrichment schedule for the day. Along with on campus academic and enrichment actives were also community work service opportunities and field trips. One group of students chose to go to Kenai Peninsula college and tour the campus and dorms, another group chose to donate their time at the Kenai Peninsula Food bank, and 30 Skyview students chose to visit their former elementary schools and spend the day with future Skyview Middle School students!”


Arriving on time at elementary schools and ready to work, the schools created schedules for students. Every elementary school that feeds into Skyview Middle School was enthusiastic to welcome Skyview students in their building. Shanna Johnson, Skyview Middle School teacher said, “The teachers were excited to have them in their room assisting in a myriad of ways. The extra set of hands during a Christmas Fair, was invaluable! These were just a few of the comments given to us. Every time I asked our student, ‘How is it going? Would you do this again?’ A resounding ‘YES’, came from every one of them!”


Sterling Elementary Principal Kelly said that students were super excited to be there this morning. At Soldotna Elementary, a student was working with kindergarten students, building a craft. The schedule was about to change, and Mrs. Murr’s first-second grade combo teacher was looking forward to students “running” a reading group. She planned on modeling how it would be done, and then letting Skyview enthusiasm take over.


The Soldotna Montessori helpers were all assistants at the Christmas Fair, helping the younger students choose a gift. Some were calculating the cost of purchases, others were walking students back to their rooms. Student William Stang said he was looking forward to the next hour block, when he and his friend were going to be in the “Hot Seat,” answering questions about middle school life and how it was different!


At Redoubt Elementary, students read aloud and helped 1:1 as math buddies. K-Beach Elementary students helped everyone get ready for lunch and with outside activities.


Tustumena students had an interesting “no power” morning at the school. They learned what it takes to adapt curriculum and locations. The Skyview assistants helped kindergarteners get geared down from recess, while first grade was reading stories in the library. Sixth grade teacher Mrs. Werner said, “Can we do this again soon? They are doing individualized math tutoring and have been invaluable today!” Fifth grade teacher Mr. Michaels said, “The Skyview student has been an outstanding asset today assisting in small group, we would love to have them again!”


Bill Withrow, Redoubt Elementary principal said,

“All I can say is AWESOME! This has been a tremendous event for everyone involved. Staff at Redoubt has nothing but positive things to say about all the students who have come back to Redoubt and work with students of all ages. We are hoping that this is something that becomes an annual event or even grows to something bigger. Awesome idea!”


“During the flex day we accumulated more than 215 community work service hours,” said Principal Truesdell. “The student flex day at Skyview was created as a pilot to meet the academic needs of our students as well as give kids opportunities to give back to the community. Administration is collecting feedback from our stakeholders to see if we should offer a student flex day multiple times each year. For a number of years the Skyview Middle School site based council had a community work service goal and the student flex day provided the time during the day where students could be off campus working in the community but not miss new academic instruction.”



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KPBSD Inspiration, Kristin (Beck) Bates, Seward High School #ClassOf2004

“A combination of opportunities I had while attending Seward schools sent me into a salmon spiral,” said Kristin Beck Bates, a Seward High graduate who attended Nikiski Elementary, K-Beach Elementary, Seward Elementary, Seward Middle School, and graduated in 2004.

Kristin Bates Seward 2004

KPBSD Inspiration, Kristin (Beck) Bates, Seward High School #ClassOf2004

Kristin, now the hatchery manager at Trail Lakes Hatchery north of Moose Pass, Alaska, explains, “We have 3 million smolt (fingerling) sized fish on site and every day they need to be fed, their tanks cleaned, and monitored. It gives me a daily purpose, and knowing that these sockeye and coho are someday going to fill the freezers of my fellow Alaskans makes me work even harder to make sure they are healthy and happy. When working with live animals, no one ever gets a day off. It is a 24/7 job to make sure we are here in case of emergencies. It may sound corny, but these slimy little critters are family and I enjoy seeing them develop and grow from the moment they are fertilized as eggs to releasing them into the ocean. Saying goodbye is always the hardest part!”


Experiential learning

Participating in Take Your Kid to Work Day (with Phillis Shoemaker) at the Institute of Marine Science (IMS) during elementary school taught Kristin to siphon out king crab tanks at a very young age. A member of the ocean based learning group called Youth Area Watch with teacher Mark Swanson, she said, “A highlight was helping scientists ID orca whales in Resurrection Bay! In high school, I had internships for credit at the Alaska Sealife Center (set up by teacher Dan Krier) and the Alutiiq Pride Shellfish Hatchery with Jeff Hettrick. I later enjoyed an oceanography class that included a trip to the University of Hawaii, Hilo, where we caught sea cucumbers for research. Seward’s annual Silver Salmon Derby had me star struck every summer catching beautiful coho, but one memory I won’t forget when I was about 15, was going to the Bear Creek Weir near Seward and asking future coworker Cathy Cline how to get a job working with fish and doing what they did with salmon. I remember her saying, ‘stay in school, come back and see me when you are 18,’ and describing how incredible working at the weir was Now at 32, I manage the Bear Creek Weir and look back at all the experiences I had while growing up in KPBSD’s schools!”


Bates believes,
“The world is growing in size and I can use my skills to raise healthy fish to put out into our oceans. By doing the best I can while the small fish are in the hatchery, it means they will have a better chance at surviving their crazy ocean life. I feel like my part is small in the ‘bigger picture’ of salmon resources globally, but in some way I am helping feed the world and Alaskans. I have strong environmental ethics and want to use them to better our great state. I want to work towards making hatcheries more eco-friendly, maximize production through new technology, and work with the local communities to see what ideas they have for bringing fish hatcheries closer to their coastal waters.”


Inspiration: sit on a boat for 20 hours

“Fishing with my Dad as a child in Seward inspired me. I still don’t like to eat bologna and processed American cheese sandwiches, but I could sit out on a boat for 20 hours a day just trying to catch one of those amazing silver salmon! I have other siblings that would opt out of fishing, but I was in the boat every chance I could get. I hold these memories close of me and my Dad. I want every person to be able to fish for salmon on the Kenai Peninsula for many years to come. This drives me to think of new ideas and innovative ways to bring more fish to local waters. A career in fisheries is challenging every day. I am lucky to be practicing my skills right at home here on the Kenai Peninsula. Having my family close, working with salmon stocks that I grew up fishing for, and educating the people in communities that I care about—this really makes my life complete. Because of all of these details, I know that I am right where I am supposed to be. I do not know where my career is going to take me, but as long as I am advocating for the states salmon resources, I know that I will be doing meaningful work for the people of Alaska.”


Life advice for K-12 students

“Stick with it. Looking back it wasn’t as hard as I thought while in the moment. There are teachers who truly care about you—lean on those special ones to give you life advice and help guide your future. Put yourself first. Every time. Lastly, do not lose touch with those teachers who gave you an extra hand. They will not ever stop caring about you and can be a resource well into the future!”

Kristin high school basketball kristin bottom far right-2

Seward High basketball

Heartfelt thank you to Seward High School teachers:
“Through the diverse opportunities you gave me to get out and explore our community and career paths, I found something truly unique. Now I get to directly give back to the Kenai Peninsula in a very humbling way. I could not have done it without you and I strive to make you all proud! Dan Krier, Martha Fleming, Stephanie Cronin, and my many sports coaches, I owe you one for getting me through school! I wanted to quit many times, but because of your dedication to your students, I kept coming back. Special shout out to my Mom, retired (yet still teaching) KPBSD teacher Laura Beck, her special connection to her students and her kids really made me into who I am today: a science nerd, who also loves educating!”


Education beyond KPBSD

  • University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho
    • Fishery Resources: Managing fish populations to ensure that they are healthy and sustainable
    • Wildlife Resources: Managing wildlife resources to make sure populations are healthy and that people and nature can stay balanced overtime.
  • University of Phoenix (2017), MBA. “I wanted to add a higher degree that would make me into a well-rounded employee and manager.”


Connect with Kristin
Kristin began working for Cook Inlet Aquaculture Association (CIAA) in 2014, as the assistant Hatchery Manager at Trail Lakes Hatchery, just north of Moose Pass, Alaska. In 2017, she was promoted to Hatchery Manager. Kristin says, “We raise sockeye (14 million annually) and coho salmon (500,000 annually) for many user groups on the Kenai Peninsula. CIAA provides and protects your salmon resource through hatchery enhancement and habitat rehabilitation and protection.”

Kristin Hidden Lake Sockeye Project-2

Hidden Lake, sockeye enhancement project

Kristin Caribou Hunting-2

Caribou hunting up north off of the Denali Highway


Kristin little league bottom far right -2

Elementary school softball


Kristin Bates close up-2

High School “Close Up” group going to Washington D.C. to learn about government

Kristin Far Left with Outward Bound Volunteer Students-2

Outward Bound students, Trail Lakes Hatchery, summer 2018

KPBSD celebrates Kristin Bates who is proof positive of the KPBSD mission to empower all learners to positively shape their futures.

Do you have a story tip about a KPBSD graduate to profile in our Wednesday Inspiration?
Kindly email Pegge Erkeneff, KPBSD communications liaison,

Net pens hold sockeye smolt in Resurrection Bay

Net pens hold sockeye smolt in Resurrection Bay

Forty-three free public school choices in KPBSD

KPBSD: One district, 43 diverse schools

FY19 school choices in KPBSD

Parents and schools share equally valuable roles in education. Parents and guardians are more than volunteers; they are part of a school’s learning community. Students and parents both have enormous influence in the quality of a child’s education. Research shows that parents and teachers build partnerships that help children succeed. In the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District (KPBSD) you can choose to send your child to:

Superintendent Sean Dusek said, “I believe the diversity of our district is a strength. Our students have many opportunities to share and learn from one another. While there are challenges in serving this diverse district, we also gain many perspectives that support our mission of preparing every student for their future.”

KPBSD Neighborhood Schools
Neighborhood schools offer the district adopted curriculum choices and educate elementary, middle and secondary students. School configurations range from K-2, K-5; K-6; K-8; K-12; 6-8; 6-12; 7-8; and 9-12.

KPBSD Alternative Schools
Alternative schools provide free public school choices for students who have not found success at a traditional school and desire other options to complete their education and receive a high school education:

KPBSD Charter Schools
Charter schools provide free public school choices for students and their families. Attendance is based on a lottery system. Charter schools allow parents, teachers and students to choose an alternative curriculum or program of study. Charter schools also offer a choice to parents who want a style or type of instruction that they believe best fits their child’s needs. KPBSD offers four charter schools:

KPBSD Homeschool
The KPBSD homeschool option provides offices in Homer, Soldotna, and Seward to serve families and students who reside on the Kenai Peninsula. Connections Homeschool is the largest school in the district, and receives the added support from being a part of the KPBSD school district. Students receive a KPBSD high school diploma.

KPBSD Performance-Based School
A performance-based school does not include time in spent in a class or a grade as a variable to consider when determining student advancement. That is, at the end of the school year a student in a performance-based school is not advanced to a new grade. The advancement only occurs after a student has demonstrated proficiency in meeting the standards within the prescribed course of study.

The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District provides diverse schools in order to meet the educational needs of every student, and develop productive, responsible citizens who are prepared to be successful in a dynamic world. 
To learn more about free public school options in the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District:


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Community partnerships: a habitat for learning

Tebughna School students bundled up to wade the frosty streams of Tyonek in exploration of baby salmon habitat. Just outside their school building, juvenile salmon flourish in small streams and ponds before heading out to the saltwater to hopefully later return as big, delicious table fare. In a partnership with Project GRAD Kenai Peninsula (PGKP) and the Kachemak Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (KBNERR), Tebughna students were coached to sample salmon and trout using electrofishing, and then sample creek bottoms with kick nets to see what those baby salmon might be eating.


KBNERR researcher Jacob Argueta and KBNERR educator Dana Nelson visited with Tebughna’s K-12 students to provide the equipment and instruction. Following a morning in the field, collected samples were brought back to the school and classrooms were converted to wet labs. Students, staff, and community members were fascinated to discover that the gravel and leaf litter of the creek bottom teemed with thousands of invertebrates- from larval flies to earth worms. Using special magnifying glasses, the captivated students learned how to use dichotomous keys to identify the various organisms collected from the creek a stone’s throw from their classroom.


As part of a research project exploring groundwater recharge, KBNERR is engaging villages in KPBSD to identify how communities value groundwater. Often times, the conversation quickly leads to healthy salmon habitat. Over the course of KBNERR’s two-day visit there were lively discussions regarding how groundwater cycles valuable nutrients into salmon streams.

In addition to introducing the students to research methods and a great field trip, the visit from KBNERR also served as a follow-up to a trip four Tebughna High School students made to Homer. Sharon Jones, Reka Smoke, Alicia Smoke, and Dulcinea Moon had the opportunity to join KBNERR to sample salmon habitat and peatlands near Stariski Creek just north of Anchor Point. Back at Tyonek, the four students presented on their experience and helped lead the KBNERR team in the field with Tebughna’s younger students.


A big thanks is warranted for the KBNERR staff, Native Village of Tyonek, and Tebughna’s staff for coordinating such a high-quality fieldtrip experience delivered to Tebughna School. Fortunately, KBNERR and Tebughna’s relationship will not end here. Future visits and engagement is in the works. Whether an interest in natural resource management or a more resilient commercial fisherman, PGKP’s partnership with KBNERR is providing the stepping-stones from classroom student to community provider.

Thank you to Kenny Daher, Project GRAD Kenai Peninsula, for contributing this story!




KPBSD Inspiration: Jeffrey Dolifka, Class Of 2006

“Take risks and don’t be afraid of failure,” says attorney Jeffrey Dolifka, Kenai Peninsula Borough School District, Class of 2006, Skyview High School. “I wish I had figured that out a lot earlier in my life.”

Jeffrey Dolifka Skyview C06

He’s been in the courtroom since he was five, when he’d accompany his father, and sit beneath a table, look at the judge, and play. Now he is an attorney with his dad at Dolifka & Associates, P.C., in Soldotna, Alaska, a practice that includes Estate Planning, Probate, Adoptions, Guardianships, and Real Estate Law. Jeffrey Dolifka, who attended Soldotna Middle School and Skyview High School (Class of 2006) knew in first grade he wanted to be an attorney. As a young child, he would travel to work with his Dad to court in Kenai, Seldovia, and Homer. Jeffrey says, “My father, Dale Dolifka, was the most influential person on my career path. He has been an attorney in our community for over 40 years. He is a great example for me as an attorney and a father, and always prioritized giving back to the community and trying to help those in need.”

Three KPBSD teachers impacted his life, along with Winston Churchill. Dolifka says:


  • Rob Sparks, my history and government teacher. After seven year of college, I still consider him the most influential educator in my life. Mr. Sparks’s designed his classes to challenge students to think outside the box and to challenge the status quo. I learned over and over that if there is an issue or problem that you believe needs changed, it is YOUR job to change it. I spent many classes debating Mr. Sparks. I never imagined it was preparing me for the courtroom and life.
  • Dave Schmidt, my chemistry and biology teacher. Mr. Schmidt would never give up on a student. It did not matter if the student was the valedictorian or about to drop out of high school, he cared about every student and helped them succeed, staying hours after school every day. He helped me through many rough days in high school and was a great role model.
  • Renee Merkes, my math teacher. I would not have graduated from high school without Mrs. Merkes. Math was my worst subject and Mrs. Merkes would stay after school for hours each day and help me with my math homework. She refused to give up on me and I cannot thank her enough.


Jeff Dolifka profile story (7) 

“Take risks and don’t be afraid of failure.”

I was always so afraid of failing and embarrassing myself that I missed a lot of opportunities. The fear of failure causes many people to pass up on opportunities in their life and those missed opportunities can quickly turn into regrets. I wish I had figured that out a lot earlier in my life. I was deathly afraid of public speaking which is tough if you want to be an attorney. A photo of Winston Churchill and his wise counsel kept me going all through college and helped me push through my fear and barriers. Churchill said, ‘Success is the ability to move from one failure to another without loss of enthusiasm.’ That insight helped me to move out of state for school, and kept me going at Western Washing University for one year before transferring to Boise State University where I graduated in 2010 with a Degree of Bachelors of Arts (Major in Political Science, Minor in History). Moreover, especially in my studies at the University of Colorado Law School (2013), and anticipating taking the Bar exam—what if I failed? I did pass the Alaska Bar in October of 2013!

When life gets hard, and it will, what will you do?
“Sports taught me lessons to go through horrible times, and prepared me for life lessons. I love to coach basketball, and hope to coach at Skyview Middle School sometime in the next year or two as soon as there is an opening!”

I love fishing. My Mom is an Alaska Native, and starting about four years old, I would go to Ninikchik to fish with my Grandma who instilled a love of fishing in me. Now, during the summer months, you will likely find me somewhere on the river.

Service and volunteering

One of my primary goals is to help children, specifically those who have grown up in tough environments. My parents taught me the value of service, I am involved with several organizations, including the Mae Ciechanski Scholarship Fund*, Kenai River Special Management Area Board, Boys and Girl Club, and I co-chair an advisory committee that is attempting to build a sport complex with an indoor turf field and track.

*High school students, apply for the Mae Ciechanski Scholarship Fund—especially for the trade and vocational tech scholarships. We have a lot of scholarships to award this year!

Soldotna Sports Complex

No stranger to a playing field or basketball court, a big project close to my heart with an important timeline on December 12, is to build a new sports complex in Soldotna. I have been working on the sports complex expansion for over three years. The project has recently taken a step forward to become a reality:

The Soldotna City Council will vote on several ordinances related to the new sports complex at a Soldotna City Council Meeting on December 12, 2018, at 6:00 p.m. The vote will determine whether the City of Soldotna residents will get to vote on the project in early March.

Wherever you live on the Peninsula, if you believe a sports complex would be a beneficial addition to our community, please show up to the meeting and show your support.

When I took the risk to go out of state to college, I never changed my Alaska residency. I knew I wanted to return to this community, where I will raise my family, and give back as best I can.

KPBSD celebrates Mr. Dolifka who is proof positive of the KPBSD mission to empower all learners to positively shape their futures.




Do you have a story tip about a KPBSD graduate to profile in our Wednesday Inspiration? Kindly email Pegge Erkeneff at


Special Education Teacher David Justice awarded Golden Apple

Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
Golden Apple Award | December 3, 2018
Mr. David Justice,
Soldotna High School Special Education teacher

Golden Apple nominator Greg Landeis wrote, “In the spring of 2018, I witnessed my son graduate from Soldotna High School. You might think this is a great feat since thousands of kids graduate from high school each spring. However, my son was diagnosed with severe ADHD and Tourette syndrome at a very young age. He had an IEP throughout school. My wife Esther and I are older parents. She is a registered nurse and during a 25 year long career has cared for and saved numerous lives, and continues to administer care and compassion to her patients. I was a decorated veteran in the United States Airforce, and served my community for 20 years as a police officer before receiving a catastrophic injury while in the performance of my duties that left me permanently disabled. We are no strangers to the sacrifices one makes to help community and fellow man. This is a story of Soldotna High School educator David Justice, who went beyond what is expected or required to help directly save a life.

When he became a freshman, my son suddenly started to change. Grades went down, his demeanor and attitude was sullen. This peaked when his mother walked into his room and found him with a loaded handgun, contemplating ending his life. To say his mother, a registered nurse and no stranger to seeing tragedy, and his father who had been dispatched to hundreds of suicides, were devastated and terrified would be misrepresenting the full magnitude of the situation. Our lives turned upside down. Our son was by our side 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for nearly a year and a half. We constantly monitored his mental health, and worried he would find a way to harm himself. He was academically at a standstill, and his mental health was to a point where he was not capable of being in a school environment. We tried home schooling but he continued to digress, and both of us were beyond worried about his future.

During the summer between his freshman and sophomore year, he continued to struggle mentally and with his depression. His mother and I decided to pursue further testing. In the fall, with medication and some counseling, he was stable enough to go back to school. We met Mr. Justice when we worked with the school experts for his IEP status. Notice I refer to him as Mr. Justice—I do this out of respect and admiration. Little did we know he would not only save my son from further harming himself, but would relentlessly continue to speak into his life and eventually get him to a point where he could graduate with the rest of his class.

So many times, Mr. Justice brought my son out of his depression, and dark place—a place my son describes as being overwhelmed with feeling unworthy and believing ending his life was an option. Mr. Justice built him up, and through creative and innovative techniques managed to motivate and give him the ability to realize his self-worth. Eventually he was diagnosed with Acute Anxiety Disorder and clinical depression, along with Tourette’s and ADHD.


The ability of Mr. Justice to speak into, mentor, and guide my son’s life is not the entirety of this story. We were devastated by this tragedy in our child’s life, and are interactive with all of our three children. Not only was this the most terrifying thing we had been through, we often felt very helpless and distraught, and leaned on one another for support, but sometimes it was not enough. Mr. Justice gave us great comfort through this whole process. Often times he would hear our despair and offer counsel, guidance, and reassurance. I do not think my son, Esther, and I are the only ones Mr. Justice helped. My son told me many stories of kids that Mr. Justice worked with and cared for equally as he did my son.

Mr. Justice brought our son out of a world of torment, torture and self-loathing, got him on track, got him to push to graduate with his class and as if that was not enough, propelled him towards continuing his education through Job Core. I am no stranger to witnessing wonderful, selfless, giving human beings going the extra step to help someone, but Mr. Justice is at the very top of the list. This man restored my faith in the education system. His selfless and over the top dedication, in a very tough job should be commended. I will forever be in his debt for what he did for my son.”

The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Board of Education is proud to recognize Mr. David Justice for his dedication to the students of the school district, past, present, and future.


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Two-Hour Delay start: Monday, December 3, 2018

►ALERT UPDATE 7:00 AM: All KPBSD schools will open with a TWO HOUR DELAY START* on MONDAY, December 3, 2018, due to weather conditions throughout the Peninsula.

Parents and guardians, if you decide, based on conditions near you to keep your child at home, kindly call your school to let them know. Absences will be excused. Reports are that some side roads are not yet sanded and may be icy—be safe and exercise caution.

►One busing exception: Special education buses will contact parents directly if there is a concern in their ability to safely navigate driveways or side roads. All schools will be open with a two-hour delay start.

*A two hour delay means that buses run two hours later than normal, school begins two hours later than normal, and staff arrives at school two hours later than normal. The school day ends at the normal time.

FY19 12_3 2 hr delay


►ALERT: TWO HOUR DELAY START* for ALL Kenai Peninsula Borough School District schools on MONDAY, December 3, 2018, due to weather conditions throughout the Peninsula.

If weather and road conditions warrant a full closure, an announcement will be made by 7:00 AM.

*A two hour delay means that buses run two hours later than normal, school begins two hours later than normal, and staff arrives at school two hours later than normal.

Parents and guardians, if you decide, based on conditions near you to keep your child at home, kindly call your school to let them know. Absences will be excused.

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Posted in KPBSD District Stories by Pegge Erkeneff. No Comments

►INFORMATION #6 #AlaskaEarthquake

►INFORMATION #6: Friday, 11/30/18, 4:50 PM
Thank you to everyone who worked closely in and with KPBSD schools today after the earthquake this morning, the Tsunami warning, evacuations, aftershocks, and damage assessments. You make a difference!
KPBSD anticipates Kenai Peninsula schools will open on a normal schedule Monday, December 3, 2018. If anything changes over the weekend, KPBSD will announce this through usual communication channels: website, social media, email to staff, Mobile App, and possible a districtwide alert via SMS, email, and phone.
Superintendent Dusek said, “The events of today demonstrated the high level of professionalism and competence our staff possesses in regards to responding to a critical incident. We train regularly to be ready for these types of situations and we responded well today. I greatly appreciate our staff’s efforts and we will learn from today so that our responses in the future will be even better. I look forward to school on Monday as we continue to work with our students to provide the safest learning environment possible across this district.”
Kindly take care of yourself and your neighbors.
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Thank you earthquake day

Posted in KPBSD District Stories by Pegge Erkeneff. No Comments

Sources of Strength #SuicidePrevention

Nine KPBSD schools—Homer Flex School, Kenai Alternative School, Kenai Central High School, River City Academy, Seward High School, Seward Middle School, Skyview Middle School, Soldotna High School, Soldotna Prep School—are developing peer leaders through Sources of Strength (SOS) thanks to funding from the Alaska Community Foundation, GCI suicide prevention grant, and Alaska Children’s’ Trust!

This fall, students and adults from Skyview Middle School, River City Academy, Soldotna Prep, Kenai Alternative High, and Kenai Central High School participated in Sources of Strength training October 29-31, 2018, creating videos (Kenai What are you grateful for? and RCA, SMS, and Soldotna Prep What are you thankful for?), social media and school campaigns.


Sources of Strength is one of KPBSD’s suicide prevention programs positioning students to become peer-leaders of suicide prevention in their schools and community.
Unlike other evidence-based suicide prevention programs, Sources of Strength (SOS) focuses on positive protective factors in student lives, such as trusted adults and mentors, healthy activities, and positive friends. These strengths aid students to develop help-seeking behaviors, coping mechanisms, and resilience that can assist overcoming difficulty and adversity in their lives. Students, with support from their adult leaders, design campaigns to promote wellness in their school.

Helpful Links

Sources of Strength is a best practice youth suicide prevention project designed to harness the power of peer social networks to change unhealthy norms and culture, ultimately preventing suicide, bullying, and substance abuse.

RCA, SoPrep, Skyview

KCHS and Kenai Alt

SOS Seward High school (4)

Seward’s Sources of Strength is a diverse group of students and adults that recognize life has difficulties, and that we will each go through good times and tough times. Their mission is to ensure that during the rough times no one gets so overwhelmed or hopeless that they want to give up. The Seward High November school assembly promoted understanding, fun, and launched their Instagram next social media campaign. Connect with Seward High on Instagram at @sewardsos.

Sources of Strength frisbee KPBSD