KPBSD Wednesday Inspiration: Megan Mazurek, #Classof2005

Anchor Desk

“There’s something satisfying with meeting daily deadlines and starting fresh the next day.”

–Ms. Megan Mazurek, Kenai Peninsula Borough School District graduate, Class of 2005, Nikiski Middle-High School, and KTVA 11 News Anchor in Anchorage, Alaska.

Only 150 miles by road, and 20 minutes by plane from where she attended school at Nikiski North Star Elementary and Nikiski Middle-High School, Megan Mazurek is now a familiar face in households bringing us the evening news at 5:00, 6:00, and 10:00 PM Monday through Friday, on the CBS Affiliate news station in Anchorage. Mazurek is proud to share stories about people making a difference and challenging news coverage. She explains, “Every day is different. It’s filled with new stories, new people and new challenging coverage. I get to meet with new people who are helping make a difference in our community. At the end of every day I have proof of all the hard work our team has put together in a broadcast.”

As a young girl, she was active in dance, which became a building block into her now very public role as a television news anchor with a camera trained on her to broadcast body language and every word she speaks to thousands of viewers. A graduate of University of Arizona with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and minor in Art History, Megan is only a few classes away from completing her Master in Business Administration from the University of Alaska Anchorage. The UAA College of Business and Public Policy provides learners with perspectives and skills needed to assume significant leadership and managerial roles.

Advice to her younger self or a K-12 student from a 2018 perspective:

“What you may be interested in now will not necessarily be what you make into a career later; however it will teach you valuable lessons in other ways! I was very involved in dance growing up, and though I didn’t go on to teach, I used what I learned about being in front of an audience as a building block to working in front of a camera.”

Service and care for others:

Megan does not stop at only reporting about people making a difference in our communities, she is involved. When asked what issue or organization grabs her heart of care and concern, she replies,

“I’m actively involved with the Abused Women’s Aid In Crisis Shelter (AWAIC) in Anchorage. It provides a safe place for women, children and sometimes men when they are in a dangerous situation or may not have anywhere else to go. This year I did my first Sleep Out with the Covenant House of Alaska, which offers a safe place and resources for homeless and trafficked youth. I helped to raise $1 million, a record amount for the annual Sleep Out Champion event!”

Connect with Megan Mazurek every evening on KTVA, or through social media

Jacob Doth, one of her teachers said, “Dance was her life in high school. Her talent matched her determination and you can see that her hard working, never give up attitude is continuing to aid in her blessed life!”

KPBSD celebrates Ms. Mazurek who is proof positive of the KPBSD mission to empower all learners to positively shape their futures.

Do you have a story tip about a KPBSD graduate to profile in our Wednesday Inspiration? Kindly email Pegge Erkeneff at

Highland Games Guest Salmon

Highland Games Guest Salmon, KTVA


Thunderbird flight

News story, Thunderbird flight


Flying with the Thunderbirds

Flying with the Thunderbirds, Oh the places we’ll go! KTVA story




halibut fishing

KPBSD Winter Music Program Lineup

2018 winter concerts

 Celebrate what’s right in the world, and treat yourself – attend a music concert or school play!

Programs are at school location unless otherwise noted. Some schools have more than one program, and so the location may vary by date.

  • Aurora Borealis Charter School – December 4, 6:00 p.m., Christmas Concert, KCHS Auditorium
  • Chapman School – December 11, 7:00 p.m., Winter Concert
  • Cooper Landing School – December 14, 5:30 p.m., Christmas Program with Potluck Dinner
  • Homer High School – December 17, 7:00 pm, Winter Concert, Mariner Theater; December 19, 7:00 pm, Candlelight Carols & Desserts, Mariner Theater
  • Homer Middle School – December 13, 7:00 p.m, Winter Concert, Homer High Mariner Theater
  • Hope School – December 8, 5:00 p.m., Holiday Community Carnival; December 19, 6:00 p.m, Student Concert
  • K-Beach Elementary School – December 11, 6:30 p.m., K-2 Christmas Concert, Soldotna High Auditorium; December 18, 6:30 p.m., Winter Band Concert, K-Beach Gym
  • Kaleidoscope School of Arts & Science Charter School – December 13, 6:00 p.m., Winter Concert, Kenai Central High School; December 18, 6:00 p.m., Band Concert 4-5 Grade, Kaleidoscope Gym
  • Kenai Central High School – December 11, 7:00 p.m., Dessert Auction and Holiday Concert featuring the KMS Concert & Intermediate Band, KCHS Concert & Jazz Band, KCHS Auditorium; December 16, 3:00 p.m., Holiday Choir Concert, KCHS Auditorium
  • Kenai Middle School – December 6, 7:00 p.m., Winter Choir Concert, KCHS Auditorium; December 11, 7:00 p.m., Dessert Auction and Holiday Concert featuring the KMS Concert & Intermediate Band, KCHS Concert & Jazz Band, KCHS Auditorium
  • McNeil Canyon Elementary School – December 6, 6:30 p.m., Winter Concert, McNeil Canyon Gym
  • Moose Pass schoolDecember 7, 7:00 p.m., Music Program
  • Mountain View Elementary School – December 10, 6:00 p.m., Band Concert, Gym; December 17, 6:00 p.m., Winter Concert Grades 1-3, KCHS Auditorium
  • Nanwalek School – January 3, 1:00 p.m., Nanwalek Christmas Program
  • Nikiski Middle-High School – December 4, 7:00 p.m., Auditorium
  • Nikiski North Star Elementary School – December 6, 6:00 p.m., Kindergarten Winter Concert, NNS Gym; December 6, 6:45 p.m., Concert and Modern Band Winter Concert, NNS Gym; December 11, 6:00 p.m., Christmas Concert Grades 1-2, NMHS Auditorium
  • Paul Banks Elementary School – December 11, 12:30 p.m., Winter Program, Homer High Mariner Theatre
  • Port Graham School – December 21, 2:00 p.m., Port Graham Christmas Caroling Program
  • Redoubt Elementary School – December 6, 6:00 p.m., Winter Concert Grades 1-2-3, Soldotna High Auditorium; December 11, 6:00 p.m., Winter Band Concert, Redoubt Gym
  • Seward Elementary School – December 18, 7 p.m., Swing Holiday Program
  • Seward High School – January 14, 6:30 p.m., Music Collective Winter Concert
  • Skyview Middle School – December 13, 7:00 p.m., Winter Concert Band, Choir, Drumline
  • Soldotna Elementary School – December 4, 6:30 p.m., Christmas Concert, Soldotna High Audtitorium; December 18, 6:00 p.m., Band & Choir Concert (SOEL and SMCS), Soldotna Elementary Gym
  • Soldotna High School – December 18, 7:00 p.m., Band, CHoir, Jazz, Swing Choir, Soldotna High Auditorium
  • Soldotna Montessori Charter School – December 3, 6:30 p.m., Winter Concert Grades K-6, Soldotna High Auditorium; December 18, 6:00 p.m., Band & Choir Concert (SOEL and SMCS), Soldotna Elementary Gym
  • Sterling Elementary School – December 6, 6:00 p.m., Winter Concert Grades K-3; December 11, 6:00 p.m., Winter Concert Grades 4-6 and band
  • Susan B. English School – December 13, 6:00 p.m., Winter Concert Grades K-12
  • Tebughna School – December 18, 2:00 p.m., Holiday Program
  • West Homer Elementary School – December 4, 12:30 p.m., Christmas Program, Homer High Mariner Theater

Printable flyer with music lineup

Posted in KPBSD District Stories by Pegge Erkeneff. No Comments

Ms. Natali Jones, 2018 Alaska Counselor of the Year!

The 2018 Alaska School Counselor of the Year is Ms. Natali Jones, itinerant counselor serving Chapman School Anchor Point AlaskaHomer Flex High SchoolNanwalek SchoolNikolaevsk SchoolPort Graham School, and Susan B. English School in Seldovia!

“The communities that I serve are incredibly diverse. Weekly, I work with Alaska Native villages, a Russian Orthodox village, a township, and an alternative school. I fly to work three days a week and drive the other two. As different as these places are they have many things in common: incredible students, dedicated staff, cultural pride, and caring communities. It can be challenging to serve a school one day a week when there is need for a full time counselor at each site, but it is a gift to be able to work where I do, and for that, I am grateful.”
–Natali Jones, KPBSD itinerant counselor, 2018 Alaska School Counselor of the Year

This makes it worthwhile and meaningful…

The most moving part of my work is when a student seeks out their own wellness and post-secondary success. Whether it is sharing a safety concern, or their dream to become the first person in their family to graduate it takes bravery to speak your truth. I know I am in the right place when I hold the belief that anything is possible.

 Natali Jones AK 2018 Counselor of the Year

“Ms. Jones is an excellent example of how wonderful our counselors are in KPBSD. She works hard to support the whole student and is heavily invested in all of her student’s success. This is a well-deserved award and I’m very proud of Natali and all she does for our students!” –Sean Dusek, KPBSD Superintendent of Schools

Help people hear their story and support ambitions

I became a school counselor in August 2011. My parents, who spent a great deal of their careers as teachers and passionate about working with youth said they were not surprised by my choice—in fact they had been wondering when it was going to happen. I was a peer counselor in middle school. I later pursued careers in journalism, film, and Human Resources. These all had a common thread: helping people tell their stories and supporting their ambitions. School counseling was a very natural next step.


This honor evokes a great deal of gratitude, first and foremost to the wonderful students and communities I serve. I have learned such an incredible amount about generosity, dedication, and cultural values. Next to each of those that support my role as school counselor including the incredible teams that make up our schools and a web of support for our students. This includes all employees classified and certified. Without each of these people, I would not be able to do my work.


School counselors provide supports with academic, career and social-emotional development. I am most impacted by those who support my role and those in our district that understand the challenges of small schools including equity of resources.

This is best!

Hands down working with students is the favorite part of my day. As an itinerant, it sometimes looks a little different. It may be online e-mail correspondence, but the best is sitting with a student and supporting their success.


I could not do my work without the support and collaboration of my family, friends, colleagues, students, and communities. Truly wrap around services bolster our youth. Each of my schools has a level of need that could justify a full time school counselor. My hope is that school counselor professionals be viewed as an intricate part of student success and safety. I advocate and wish for a school counselor in each school in our district, state, and nation because together we can create change.

Lifelong Learner

I grew up outside of Eugene, Oregon, in the country and went to Harrisburg High School, then graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Spanish (double major) from the University of Oregon. I received Masters of Education in School Counseling from the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Ms. Natali’s Counselor Corner:

“Natali is a tireless advocate for all students, but she also provides a necessary voice for the needs of those attending small schools. She opens doors for our students and helps them find post-secondary fulfillment. Ever the professional, Natali also works to inform the practice of her colleagues and better the profession as a whole.”  –Principal Chris Brown, Homer Flex High School

“Natali is a champion for opportunities that benefit the students she serves, and her efforts have not gone unnoticed. Her accolades are well deserved.” –Principal Conrad Woodhead, Chapman School

KPBSD schools



Unlock Potential. Find Your Password! #SPAW2018

Unlock Potential. Find Your Password!

It is School Psychology Awareness Week, and the goal is to illuminate how identifying strength and action passwords can direct students to take steps toward positive change.

Passwords such as imagine, encourage, learn, connect, and contribute can push us forward to help students develop critical academic and social-emotional skills. These words can launch conversations about how to help students and staff unlock resources, reach potential, and develop proactive and preventive skills to thrive in school and in life.



Superintendent Sean Dusek said, “I really appreciate the efforts of our school psychologists and their dedication to our students and schools! If you get a chance this week, please help me in thanking our school psychologists for their work!”

The eleven KPBSD school psychologists serve all of our schools in different ways depending on their needs. From teaching health lessons dealing with social and emotional learning, to doing lunch groups, and providing input at the district level, we strive to unlock potential. We contribute to teams of people to support students with disabilities as well as school teams working to intervene early to prevent problems. We provide risk assessments for students struggling, as well as responding when crisis does hit our schools. We have a wide variety of expertise and can always find ways to support our students, teachers, and staff!

Clayton Holland, Director of Pupil Services said, “School psychologists are known for their role with special education evaluations, but our KPBSD School Psychologists do so much more than that. They do a tremendous amount of work to keep our students safe. Our school psychologist were key to the district development and implementation of our suicide and self-injurious behavior assessments. They help lead school responses to a tragedy or crisis that impacts our staff and students, and are leaders in our school-wide efforts with Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), and with the implementation of behavior and academic intervention process. The KPBSD school psychologists are leaders in their field and our recognized as such in the state of Alaska. We are proud to have the Alaska School Psychologist of the Year, Dr. Terese Kashi, in our ranks.”


KPSBD Dr. Therese Kashi, Alaska School Psychologist of the Year

Celebrate Jason Daniels, Alaska State Finalist for the PAEMST!

Jason Daniels, Alaska State Finalist for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching

 “Our children, to a greater and greater degree, will inherit a world full of STEM, which is all the more reason to set our students up for success by providing quality experiences in the STEM field, whether it be through career exploration, like Upstream Academy, or project-based learning in the classroom. STEM experiences are so important!”

–Jason Daniels, KPBSD teacher, and PAEMST finalist


A fifth grade teacher at Kalifornsky Beach Elementary School in the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District, Jason Daniels enjoys working with kids every bit as much today as he did when he first started teaching 20 years ago. Jason teaches English-Language Arts and Math, as well as Health, German language, and STEM. He graduated from the University of Alaska, Anchorage, with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Elementary Education and received his Masters in Educational Technology from the University of Alaska Southeast, Juneau.

Jason is an International Teaching Fellow and a National Board Certified Teacher, which highlights his interest in global understandings and pursuit of excellence in teaching and learning. His favorite subject is science. Jason enjoys interacting with students through hands on authentic learning experiences in and out of the classroom.


Every month he takes his class on the Adopt-a-Stream Program* where everyone becomes a custodian and caretaker of the local salmon spawning stream at Slikok Creek. He coordinated a NASA astronaut visit to his school, a visit from STARlab portable planetarium, and currently he takes part in Upstream Academy, whose mission is to increase STEM awareness among middle school students, especially those from under-served populations.

Staying active is an important part of Jason’s career. For the past 18 years he has coached wrestling, modeling good sportsmanship, perseverance, and character building. In 2012, Jason completed an Australian Teacher Exchange and taught in Australia for a year. He loves teaching, learning, and challenging himself in new ways. He also enjoys traveling and outdoor adventures with his wife.

“I have been fortunate to know Mr. Daniels for many years and have seen him in action with his students,” said Superintendent Sean Dusek. “He is one of our district’s finest educators, especially in the areas of engaging students, integrating technology in the curriculum and most importantly, demonstrating a high level of care for all of his students. I can give no higher praise than to say that I would have my own children in his classroom if given the chance.  He is truly exceptional.”




The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) is the highest recognition that a kindergarten through 12th grade mathematics or science (including computer science) teacher may receive for outstanding teaching in the United States. Up to 108 teachers are recognized each year.

Presidential Awardees receive a certificate signed by the President of the United States, a trip to Washington D.C. to attend a series of recognition events and professional development opportunities, and a $10,000 award from the National Science Foundation.

* The Slikok Creek Adopt a Stream Program is a fifth grade program at K-Beach Elementary. Both Mr. Daniel’s class, together with fifth grade teacher Suzanne Klaben’s class participate. Daniels and Klaben coordinate to take their classes down once a month and work together for this interactive hands on program.


Jason Daniels-2

Resources for Budget Development Forum at 22 school sites

Budget Development with every KPBSD site council

Building a school budget is foundational to schools, so bring your questions and concerns about funding, expenditures, and priorities.

Everyone is invited to participate. October 30, 2018. Twenty-two school locations. One hour, 6:00 – 6:30 PM



Are there additional students services that need to be added to the budget?

Is it time to utilize expenditure reductions previously considered, but not implemented?

2018_10_30 BUDGET SITE-COUNCIL meeting

Soldotna, October 22, 2018—The process is rolling forward for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 budget planning, and decisions must be made with the best information available. At 6:00 PM on Tuesday, October 30, 2018, KPBSD school principals will meet with site-councils and the public after a live video-streamed presentation from the district to 22 school sites.

“We are entering a critical time in our district’s financial life,” said Superintendent Sean Dusek. “For several years, KPBSD has been forced to utilize savings to mitigate deep cuts to the classroom. The time for sustainable, adequate funding from the state and borough is upon us. As we begin this year’s process, we are asking all of our stakeholders to be engaged to help prioritize programs and services offered in our district. We have had to make many difficult decisions in the last few years, as our funding has not kept up with costs, such as healthcare. We hope this process will help inform our state and borough leaders of the needs our students and communities have to continue to provide an excellent education. I look forward to beginning this discussion and supporting all stakeholders to participate in the district, borough and state budgeting process.”

*Site-Councils, together with everyone who is interested—parents, staff, students, business partners, community members, and elected officials—are invited to participate.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018, 6:00 PM, at 22 KPBSD schools:

Aurora Borealis Charter School – KCHS Library; Chapman School – Homer Middle School; Connections Homeschool – Soldotna High Library; Cooper Landing School – Cooper Landing Library; Fireweed  Acacemy – Homer Middle School; Homer Flex – Homer Middle School; Homer High – Homer Middle School; Homer Middle – Homer Middle School; Hope School – Hope School Mrs. T’s room; K-Beach Elementary – K-Beach School; Kachemak-Selo – Voznesenka School; Kaleidoscope School of Arts & Science – Kaleidoscope Library; Kenai Alternative – KCHS Library; Kenai Central High School – KCHS Library; Kenai Middle School – KCHS Library; McNeil Canyon Elementary – Homer Middle School; Moose Pass School – Moose Pass Library; Mt. View Elementary – KCHS Library; Nanwalek School – Nanwalek School, Mr. Beck’s room; Nikiski Middle-High School – Nikiski Middle-High Library; Nikiski North Star Elementary – Nikiski Middle-High Library; Nikolaevsk School – Room 111; Ninilchik School – Ninilchik Library; Paul Banks Elementary – Homer Middle School; Port Graham School – Mr. Way’s room; Razdolna School – Voznesenka School; Redoubt Elementary – Soldotna High Library; River City Academy – Soldotna High Library; Seward Elementary – Seward El PD Room; Seward High School – Seward El PD Room; Seward Middle School – Seward El PD Room; Skyview Middle School – Skyview Library; Soldotna Elementary – Soldotna El Library; Soldotna High – Soldotna High Library; Soldotna Prep – Soldotna High Library; Soldotna Montessori – SMCS room 411; Sterling Elementary – Sterling El Library; Susan B. English – SBE School Commons; Tebughna School – Tebughna School; Tustumena Elementary – Tustumena Library; Voznesenka School – Voznesenka School; and West Homer Elementary – Homer Middle School.

*KCHS is Kenai Central High School

Creating district and school budgets is a foundation for quality instruction and school culture. During this October 30 meeting, an opportunity to learn about reductions which have been considered in the past—some implemented, some not—as well as potential new or additional revenue will be explored. When you attend this meeting, you will learn about district and school level considerations, and potential scenarios going forward, as the budget process begins. Although this is primarily for site councils, everyone is encouraged to participate.*

“Our annual budget is one of the most important things we do each year,” said Dave Jones, assistant superintendent of instructional support. “We want to give our parents, staff, students, and community members a chance to learn about our budget, participate in the process, and offer input. The meeting on October 30 is an important step in the process to develop the FY20 budget. We hope to see a large turnout at all our schools across the district.”

Participant input will be synthesized and presented to the KPBSD school board during future board meetings and work sessions.


KPBSD Finance Department

Posted in KPBSD District Stories by Pegge Erkeneff. No Comments

KPBSD Key Communicators – Champions for Children

Nearly 50 parents, students, elected officials, district leadership team, regional principals, and community partners gathered for a Key Communicator Evening “Champions for Our Children” at Skyview Middle School, on Thursday, October 25, 2018. Three quick hours passed with an energetic keynote presentation about Personalized Learning (PL) in KPBSD, and other programs of interest through station rotations. Everyone could chose two of the four topics: School Climate and Student Safety; Student Opportunities; Public Advocacy; and General Fund Budget. Identified through a survey ahead of time, district Leadership Team members facilitated the four areas of interest sessions based on their areas of expertise.

A lively, informative evening, everyone attending offered positive reflections and feedback. Superintendent Sean Dusek, who provided a district update said, “I am very pleased with the participation and work that occurred at our most recent Key Communicator meeting. Our instructional efforts, challenges and proactive measures were discussed and many questions, suggestions and reflections were gathered to help ensure our schools’ stories are clearly shared across the borough and state.”

To learn more about KPBSD Key Communicators, be added to the email list, or become involved, review the webpage, or email Pegge Erkeneff, Communications Liaison, at Pegge @ evening program in KPBSD 10_25_18_Page_1Presentation Materials in PDF format:


Key Communicators 10_25_18-3

Key Communicators 10_25_18

Key Communicators 10_25_18-5

Key Communicators 10_25_18-4

Key Communicators 10_25_18-9

KC evening program in KPBSD 10_25_18_Page_2

Posted in KPBSD District Stories by Pegge Erkeneff. No Comments

School progress reports in new Alaska System for School Success

October 23, 2018: The new System for School Success Reports accountability system for public schools in the State of Alaska released reports for the 2017-2018 school year. The rating system for schools is a federal requirement of Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), and the new accountability system replaces the Alaska State Performance Index (ASPI) star rating classification.

Superintendent Sean Dusek explains: “The State of Alaska has rolled out the results of our new school accountability system. The majority of our schools are doing very well and while every school is working hard to improve, we have some schools that will develop plans to address specific areas identified through their designation. I appreciate the efforts of our staff in ensuring high student academic achievement and the attitude of continuous improvement.  We look forward to next year’s results as we expect even more student learning growth.”

The new accountability system ranks schools on a 100-point scale, based on student growth and proficiency in state assessments, chronic absenteeism, high school graduation, and student growth in learning English for students identified as English Language Learners (ELL). Based on the 100-point scale, schools receive an index score every year.

DEED School Systems for Success

The new system does not focus exclusively on a test score, and includes additional indicators for student success. Five indicators are assessed for K-6 grades, and six are assessed for 7-12 grades. Several rules have been established to protect student privacy and to be fair to all schools.

Indicators for all grade levels K-6 are based on a 100-point scale:

  1. Academic Achievement English Language Arts Proficiency and Math Proficiency: 15% each (30%)
  2. Academic Growth in English Language Arts and Math: 20% each (40%)
  3. English Learner Progress: 15%
  4. Chronic Absenteeism: 10%
  5. Grade 3 English Language Proficiency: 5%

Indicators for grade levels 7-12 are based on a 100-point scale:

  1. Academic Achievement ELA and Math: 10% each (20%)
  2. Academic Growth ELA and Math: 20% each (40%)
  3. English Learner Progress: 10%
  4. Chronic Absenteeism: 10%
  5. 4-year Graduation Rate: 15%
  6. 5-year Graduation Rate: 5%

Meeting these indicators is in alignment with the KPBSD five-year strategic plan.

The indicator index applies to the student body as a whole and to subgroups that have at least five students. The subgroups are: students with disabilities, English language learners, economically disadvantaged students, Alaska Natives and American Indians, Caucasians, African-Americans, Hispanics, Mixed Race, and Asian/Pacific Islanders.

Alaska Education Commissioner Dr. Michael Johnson explains, “There are three types of school designations: Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI), Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI), and Universal Support. The primary purpose of these school designations is to provide information for families, tribes, communities, educators, and policy makers to plan and support an equitable education for each student in Alaska’s public school system.”

In the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District, two schools are designated CSI, two schools are designated TSI, one school is pending, and 38 schools receive the Universal Support designation. The 2017-2018 results can be viewed online.

Parents will continue to receive reports on their student’s performance on state English Language Arts and Math assessments. Questions about specific school accountability reports can be asked directly to school principals.

Web Links



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Posted in News Release by Pegge Erkeneff. No Comments

Twenty-two schools to host district budget forum

Creating district and school budgets is a foundation for quality instruction and school culture. How will you be involved?

Budget Development with every KPBSD site council
22 KPBSD school sites, Tuesday, October 30, 6:00 PM

2018_10_30 BUDGET SITE-COUNCIL meeting

Soldotna, October 22, 2018—The process is rolling forward for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 budget planning, and decisions must be made with the best information available. At 6:00 PM on Tuesday, October 30, 2018, KPBSD school principals will meet with site-councils and the public after a live video-streamed presentation from the district to 22 school sites.

“We are entering a critical time in our district’s financial life,” said Superintendent Sean Dusek. “For several years, KPBSD has been forced to utilize savings to mitigate deep cuts to the classroom. The time for sustainable, adequate funding from the state and borough is upon us. As we begin this year’s process, we are asking all of our stakeholders to be engaged to help prioritize programs and services offered in our district. We have had to make many difficult decisions in the last few years, as our funding has not kept up with costs, such as healthcare. We hope this process will help inform our state and borough leaders of the needs our students and communities have to continue to provide an excellent education. I look forward to beginning this discussion and supporting all stakeholders to participate in the district, borough and state budgeting process.”

*Site-Councils, together with everyone who is interested—parents, staff, students, business partners, community members, and elected officials—are invited to participate.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018, 6:00 PM, at 22 KPBSD schools:

Aurora Borealis Charter School – KCHS Library; Chapman School – Homer Middle School; Connections Homeschool – Soldotna High Library; Cooper Landing School – Cooper Landing Library; Fireweed  Acacemy – Homer Middle School; Homer Flex – Homer Middle School; Homer High – Homer Middle School; Homer Middle – Homer Middle School; Hope School – Hope School Mrs. T’s room; K-Beach Elementary – K-Beach School; Kachemak-Selo – Voznesenka School; Kaleidoscope School of Arts & Science – Kaleidoscope Library; Kenai Alternative – KCHS Library; Kenai Central High School – KCHS Library; Kenai Middle School – KCHS Library; McNeil Canyon Elementary – Homer Middle School; Moose Pass School – Moose Pass Library; Mt. View Elementary – KCHS Library; Nanwalek School – Nanwalek School, Mr. Beck’s room; Nikiski Middle-High School – Nikiski Middle-High Library; Nikiski North Star Elementary – Nikiski Middle-High Library; Nikolaevsk School – Room 111; Ninilchik School – Ninilchik Library; Paul Banks Elementary – Homer Middle School; Port Graham School – Mr. Way’s room; Razdolna School – Voznesenka School; Redoubt Elementary – Soldotna High Library; River City Academy – Soldotna High Library; Seward Elementary – Seward El PD Room; Seward High School – Seward El PD Room; Seward Middle School – Seward El PD Room; Skyview Middle School – Skyview Library; Soldotna Elementary – Soldotna El Library; Soldotna High – Soldotna High Library; Soldotna Prep – Soldotna High Library; Soldotna Montessori – SMCS room 411; Sterling Elementary – Sterling El Library; Susan B. English – SBE School Commons; Tebughna School – Tebughna School; Tustumena Elementary – Tustumena Library; Voznesenka School – Voznesenka School; and West Homer Elementary – Homer Middle School.

*KCHS is Kenai Central High School

Creating district and school budgets is a foundation for quality instruction and school culture. During this October 30 meeting, an opportunity to learn about reductions which have been considered in the past—some implemented, some not—as well as potential new or additional revenue will be explored. When you attend this meeting, you will learn about district and school level considerations, and potential scenarios going forward, as the budget process begins. Although this is primarily for site councils, everyone is encouraged to participate.*

“Our annual budget is one of the most important things we do each year,” said Dave Jones, assistant superintendent of instructional support. “We want to give our parents, staff, students, and community members a chance to learn about our budget, participate in the process, and offer input. The meeting on October 30 is an important step in the process to develop the FY20 budget. We hope to see a large turnout at all our schools across the district.”

Participant input will be synthesized and presented to the KPBSD school board during future board meetings and work sessions.


KPBSD Finance Department



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Posted in News Release by Pegge Erkeneff. No Comments

Seward Area Schools Delay Start 10.17.18

2018_10_17 Seward School Delay Start

ALERT: TWO HOUR DELAY START* for these Seward area KPBSD schools on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2018 due to weather conditions.

  • Moose Pass School
  • Seward Elementary
  • Seward High School
  • Seward Middle School

If weather and road conditions warrant a full closure, an announcement will be made by 8:00 AM.

*A two hour delay means that buses run two hours later than normal, school begins two hours later than normal, and staff arrives at school two hours later than normal.

Parents and guardians, if you decide, based on conditions near you to keep your child at home, kindly call your school to let them know. Absences will be excused.

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Posted in News Release by Pegge Erkeneff. No Comments